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Nobody's POV

"Busted..." Dabi Whispers.
"Shut up Dabi!" Compress said. Kurogiri was Pissed.
"All of you line up." Kurogiri demanded. Everyone scrambled to get in line being scared of Kurogiri when he's mad. Kurogiri then ended up standing in front of the League with Izuku in his hands. Izuku laughed which made everyone a little relaxed. They all sighed.
"Stand up Straight." Kurogiri said.
"What is this? Boot Camp? The Military?" Dabi said anxious.
"Dabi I advise you to shut up. Don't get us in more trouble we are already in!" Toga whispers.
(Meme Coming Up)
"So... Who broke it?" Kurogiri Asked everyone stayed silent.
"I'm not mad I just wanna know."
"I- did I broke it-" Shigaraki said trying to stick up for Toga. Kurogiri wasn't buying it.
"No.. No you didn't. Compress?"

The rest of the League saw what Shigaraki was trying to do and played along.

"Don't look at me... Look at Dabi." Mr. Compress said point at Dabi.
"What I didn't break it!" Dabi Yelled.

"Huh that's weird how did you even know it was broken?" Mr. Compress asked.

"Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken..." Dabi said rolling his eyes.


"No it's not!" Dabi said determined.

"If it matters Probably not but Toga was the last one at the Tv.." Twice said.

"Lier I don't even watch Tv like that!" Toga said coming up with a Lie.

"Oh really what were you doing by the Tv earlier?" Twice asked.

"I had to return the remote for the Tv from my room everybody knows that TWICE!"

"Okay let's not fight I Broke it let me Pay for it!" Shigaraki said civilized.

"No! Who Broke it?" Kurogiri said with a higher raised voice.

"Kurogiri Izuku has been very quiet.." Mr Compress stated.

Everyone looked at Mr. Compress. "Really your gonna blame it on Izuku Compress! That's weak!" Dabi yelled.

"Oh Shut Up Dabi!" Compress Yelled back.
Toga sighed. "Kurogiri it was me who broke the Tv." Toga said looking down. Everyone went quiet.
"Oh come on Toga! We almost had him!" Shigaraki Said.
"Oh my god Shigaraki be quiet!" Toga said trying not to laugh. Kurogiri sighed.
"Thank you Toga for telling me but I'm getting everything back in order. Understand?" Kurogiri asked.
"Understood!" Everyone Said.
"Okay Twice and Mr. Compress I'm sending you out to go get the new Tv. Steal It or do something." Kurogiri said. Twice and Mr. Compress almost left immediately.
"Toga, Tomura, and Dabi you prepare for Izuku's birthday."
"Wait who's going to look after Izuku?" Dabi asked. Kurogiri thought for a second and knew exactly who to call.
"I'm going to call Big Sis Magne." Kurogiri said. Shigaraki and Dabi looked at each other deciding if they should agree but Toga looked Excited.
"Now get to work you 3." Kurogiri said while calling Magne.
"Hello?" Mange said answering the phone.

10 Minutes Later

"I'm here!"Mange said entering the base. "Where's the Baby?"
Kurogiri walked up to Mange and handed her Izuku. "Please be carful with Izuku because Tomura and Dabi are already on Edge and if something happens to Izuku then we are all done for." Kurogiri Warned her. Mange gulped and nodded and went to go Play with Izuku.

With the Trio

"Oh my God it's like almost dinner time I'm going to die of starvation." Toga whined.

"Maybe if didn't break the Tv we wouldn't be here." Dabi replied.

"Dabi Shut up!" Toga yelled.

"You wanna go crazy?" Dabi said with fire in his hand. Toga pulled out a knife.

"Let's go you burnt Crisp!"

"Oh my Fucking God Shut Up both of You!" Shigaraki Yelled.
"We're supposed to be buying Gifts for Izuku but instead y'all are bickering like Children! Sit ya'll asses down!" Shigaraki yelled making the two go silent. Shigaraki went back to staring at his Computer. The two got the message and decided to continue doing the same thing and look for gifts for Izuku.

With Compress and Twice

"So how should we steal this Tv Compress?" Twice asked standing outside of a home with Compress.
"I say you knock on the door and distract the people, While I go in a Steal the Tv, Sounds Good?" Mr. Compress asked.

"Sounds Good! Horrible Plan.. No it's a great Plan!" Twice said going back and forth with his other side. Honestly Compress decides not to take it to heart and starts laughing. Twice looks over at him and starts laughing as well.

"Well Let's Roll." Twice said walking up to the door. Twice knocked on the door and waiting while Compress went to the side of the house.

"Hello?" The person who came to do door said. Twice waved his hand To let Compress know it was clear. Mr. Compress used some of this best tricks in the book to get into the house and using the marbles he compressed the Tv inside.
"Let's go!" Compress mouthed at Twice from behind the person.

"Well it was nice talking to you! No it wasn't! Yeah it was see you soon!" Twice argued while walking away. The person was confused but didn't think anything of it.

Back at the Base

Twice and Compress come in the base sweating. "Oh my God we shouldn't have ran all the way Back Twice!" Compress said Catching his breath.
"Never again.." Twice said Panting.

"Oh my Gosh y'all look horrible!" Dabi said coming into The living room laughing.

"Oh shut up Dabi we're you the one to get the Tv? No me and Compress did all the work." Twice argued.
"Oh whatever!" Dabi said rolling his eyes.

"Where's Izuku?" Mr. Compress asked.

"He's with Mange while we get ready for his birthday Party. I can't believe he's already turning 3!" Dabi complained.

"Yeah in just 1 more year we'll find out what his Quirk is." Compress said excited.

Before anybody could say anything they heard Toga scream. They went into the room and saw Toga on the floor with Izuku.
"Toga what is wrong with you!" Shigaraki asked concerned.

"I swear to the lord savior Jesus himself! You Two!" Toga pointing at Shigaraki and Dabi.
"What are you guys teaching this kid? Huh?! How to kill me?" Toga screamed.
Dabi and Shigaraki looked confused.

"Is this about Izuku being a Demon Child again?" Dabi asked rolling his eyes. Toga got up and gave Izuku back to Shigaraki.
"I'm giving up Mange wanted me to watch him for a while while she went to get food but I couldn't even last 10 minutes..." Toga said Leaving the room.

"She's right You two should not be in charge of Izuku imagine what he's going to be like when he's 10." Mr. Compress said.

"Oh shut up! Anyways did you guys get the Tv?" Shigaraki asked.

"Yup!" Twice and Compress said at the same time but feel like they are forgetting something. Eh Whatever


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