Valkyrie X Fem Reader (Marvel)

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I don't really have any ideas of how to start this one fir Valkyrie but I will try.

Valkyrie X Fem reader (Marvel)

Summary: Y/N talks to Valkyrie about her new contender who is Asgardian and about Valkyries history, the reader is also from Asgard.


Third Person Pov…

“Hey Val, your back” said Y/N as her girlfriend walked up to her drink in her hand.

Valkyrie smiled and kissed Y/N on the lips in greeting. Y/N smiled into the kiss and they broke away. 

“yep, and I’ve got a new contender for the Grandmaster” smirked Valkyrie as she looked over to the gladiator cage in front of them.

“ooh nice who is he” asked Y/N looking around trying to find him.

“He’s a prince of Asgard” said Valkyrie. 

“he’s Asgardian” exclaimed Y/N she knew of Valkyries history and that talking about Asgard is a sore spot for her.

sensing her worry Valkyrie smiled reassuringly and side hugged Y/N.

“Hey, don’t worry Love I’m fine” she whispered into Y/Ns ear.

They hugged for a few minutes before they pulled back and Y/N spoke.

“why is he here do you think something happened on Asgard?” asked Y/N slightly worried for her home planet.

“Hey” said Val making Y/N look up to her.

“I’m not worried at it” she said simply and took a large gulp of the drink in her hand almost emptying it, “and you shouldn’t either” she said.

Y/N frowned at her “but they are you people Val even if you don’t want it you still part an Asgardian” said Y/N softly taking her hand.

Her words made Valkyrie frown but covered it up with drinking from her bottle.

“anyway finish your drink we have a match to watch” said Valkyrie

as she dropped her finished drink and grabbed Y/Ns arm and dragged her to the scrapper.

Once they got there the began to watch the match between The Grandmasters champion and the Asgardian prince happen.

The end! 

This one is not as long I’m sorry, but I tried and hope you at least liked this one shot.

Word count: 366

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