The New Teacher

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"It has been four days since the attack at the USJ training facility. Over a hundred villains, all low level thugs, except for two, were arrested. The attack was thwarted by the students from U.A's hero course. None of the students were reported to be injured. Except for two of the teachers. The Space Hero Thirteen and the Underground Hero, EraserHead are both still in critical condition. The principal of U.A Academy, Principal Nezu is hard at work to discover the cause of this attack. The villains were said to be a part of the League of Villains. We will have more information in the coming days."

The television screen faded to black as Izuku Midoriya looked into his reflection in the glass.

After the attack, the school was shut down for nearly a week due to a reconstruction of the security system. During that time, Midoriya was talking to his friends, Ochaco Uraraka and Tenya Iida. He even talked with Tsuyu Asui who was still a little shaken up after the attack.

His mom fussed over him for all those four days, worrying to death over him. Midoriya always felt guilty about making his mom worry about him. She made her special Kastudon for him as a means to say "I'm proud of you."

Now, it was back to school tomorrow and Midoriya was worried if their homeroom teacher will be healed enough to teach them. Oh well... They'll have to see tomorrow.


Midoriya made his way to the classroom of 1-A when he was slammed hard by a body. "Deku!" It was Uraraka, holding him tightly.

Midoriya's anxiety went through the roof as he hasn't been hugged by a girl that wasn't his mom. "H-h-hey, Uraraka!" He stuttered before she let go of him.

"How've you been, Deku?" She asked him. Uraraka was the cutest girl Midoriya had ever seen. She had chestnut brown hair that curled at the bottom. She had rosy round cheeks and brown eyes like milk chocolate. Her smile was a heartwarming smile that could brighten up any people's day.

"Oh uh... I've been... Ok." He admitted.

"Hey Midoriya!" He turned around to see his other friend, Tenya Iida come to him and place his hand on Midoriya's shoulder. "How are you doing, my friend?" Iida was the essential boy scout. Always playing by the rules and making sure everyone else did as well. But he did it because it was what was expected of him. With glasses and a stiff posture, he didn't wait for Midoriya to answer, instead he shouted "Everyone! Take your seat! Class starts soon!"

The whole class stared at him. "You're the only ones standing." Kirishima stated.

Iida was silent before muttering "Darn it." The three took their seats and Mina Ashido, a girl with a happy-go-lucky attitude and pink skin turned to Tsuyu behind her and asked "So who do you think is going to teach us?"

Tsuyu herself put a finger to her lip as if she was thinking "I don't know, Ribbit. Mister Aizawa got messed up pretty bad."

Before more could be said, a voice spoke. "Greetings."

Everyone stared at the door in shock as a man phased through the door without it opening. Every student suddenly felt small. Like an ant compared to this newcomer. The men started to feel a bit inadequate and jealous at him while the girls blushed lightly at the sight of this... Man? Each step he took felt like a behemoth stomping down. Some of the students could've sworn they heard the stone crack. Everyone agreed, this was no man. This was... A god.

The god in question was tall. As in taller than any basketball player tall. Standing at eight feet tall, the man wore a suit that made everyone think he was from the Victorian Era. He wore a black suit with an overcoat that hung on his shoulders. The lapels were black with red designs, and the cuffs were all the way to the bottom of his elbows. He wore a red cloth that wrapped around his waist. His boots reached up to below his knees and everyone felt that, even if he took them off, he'd still be the same height.

His skin was pale, like a statue with black hair to contrast. His mustache was long and sharp, as if it could make a person bleed if you pricked your finger on it. Along with a beard that came to a sharp point. His eyes... They glowed like street lamps. The color was like blood. He could stare at you and he would know everything about you and how to take you down.

He walked towards the podium and looked at all the students before bowing his upper half slightly "I am Vlad Dracula Tepes. I will be your Homeroom Teacher for the remainder of your years here at U.A Academy. I'm sure you are wondering about Shota Aizawa. He is currently recovering, however his injuries were life threatening. Even with your school nurse, there is very little that can be done. Thus he is being escorted to a proper hospital for treatment."

They didn't know their teacher for very long, only for two weeks but he put his life on the line for the students safety. Midoriya remembered his words "You can't be a one trick pony." He stared up at the new teacher and couldn't help but shiver.

"Principal Nezu has asked me to supervise your education for the remainder of your time at U.A. Now, in other news, The Sports Festival will still be active in two weeks."

Momo Yaoyorozou, a girl with black hair in a spiky ponytail raised her hand and Dracula nodded his head "Sir, is it really appropriate to be hosting the Sports Festival right after a villain attack?"

He answered "It does seem inappropriate, however they believe that hosting it will prove that they are stronger than they have ever been. Security will be increased. Only a fool would attempt an attack during the festival. For the remainder of the two weeks, leading up to the Sports Festival, I will be overseeing your training and evaluating your performances and mental health."

It made sense they supposed. However, half of them grew nervous at his final words. "I will also interviewing all of you one by one to determine if you deserve to stay in this course. You may have stayed because Aizawa saw potential in you all, but that's only the quirk test. This will be an interview on if you have the mentality to become a hero. Some of you believe this to be a job, that you will train and be able to save people and smile for the camera. It is a job, but it is also a responsibility. I would consider your words for when I ask you questions. It will determine the rest of your time here."

It was silent as he stared down every single one of them. They were nervous. They all wanted to be heroes. But the question is... Do they deserve it?

Do they have the mental fortitude to do what is necessary for the good of their people? Dracula was about to test that.

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