Dracula vs. All-For-One

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It was a cold night in a bar that held the League of Villains. Shigiraki was scratching his neck after watching the press conference.

"Well that was a fucking shit show." Dabi sighed and turned off the TV.

"The fucking nerve on that guy. He seriously thinks that society is to blame when he was the one to expel one of his own students? The hubris of him." Shigiraki growled.

"You gotta admit, he is right about it. Society favors the strong quirks. And it makes them grow really big egos which in turn makes them really bad heroes." Mr. Compress said.

"We didn't even capture one of the actual students on the list." Magne said with sadness.

"That reminds me." Shigiraki said before looking at everyone, even though they couldn't see his face. "What exactly happened down there? You were supposed to grab that bird headed student or Midoriya. What caused you to fuck up!?" Shigiraki's five fingers grabbed a drinking glass which decayed into dust.

This put everyone on edge before Bakugo limped into the bar. Bandages were wrapped around his mouth and left eye. His arm was also in a cast. "You look like shit, mate." Dabi said, much to Bakugo's anger. His growls were muffled by the bandages.

"Listen, we don't need you giving us rabies so do all of us a favor and shut the fuck up, dog." Dabi groaned, which only pissed off Bakugo more.

"Hey hey, we're all here because we all want one thing. To have society treat us better and to continue Stain's goal." Spinner, a lizard-like man with a stain like costume said.

"That's your goal. Not mine!" Shigiraki retorted.

"Not to mention, the blonde cunt over there is only here because he's got a serious hate boner for Midoriya. Not to mention that Grim Reaper type fellow. He was also here only because of a student. So suffice to say, not everyone is here because of Stain." Dabi said.

"Regardless of why, we're all here for this delightful show. We all have our part to play, and the curtain has yet to be lifted." Mr. Compress.

"My question is, what are we to do about that teacher? He's a complete mystery. He's no hero I've ever heard about." Magne said.

"It's a good question, one we intend to find out." Dabi said.

"Are you trying to undermine my leadership?" Shigiraki asked Dabi. "You think because you make a few speeches, suddenly you're in charge now!?"

"You out of your goddamn mind, Shigiraki?" Dabi asked.

"Give me one good reason not to just dust you right now!"

"Tomura! Calm yourself." Kurogiri said calmly.

Before anything else could be said, there was a knock on the door. "Hello! Pizza delivery!"

Everyone looked at the door before Dabi asked, "Did someone order pizza-"

Suddenly the wall exploded to reveal All-Might breaking through. "Well we know you ordered a side of Justice, that's for sure! You know why? Because I AM HERE!"

Kamui Woods barged in and used his wood limbs to restrain the villains. Gran Torino jumped in and knocked Dabi out.

Bakugo shouted through his bandages and fought against the wood only to look up at All-Might who simply had a look of disappointment.

"Bakugo… You were born with an incredible gift, and you used it for the wrong purposes. A hero who thinks for themselves is no hero at all." All-Might said which made Bakugo freeze up before simply… letting go.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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