New Arrivals and Hero Names

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The final round was... Interesting to say the least.

Dracula watched as his students that made it to the final round faced either against each other or against other students.

Midoriya's fight against Hitoshi was certainly a highlight of the first round of the tournament. Dracula was almost worried Midoriya would lose due to Hitoshi's brainwashing quirk. But somehow, he managed to break his own finger to break free of the brainwashing. 'One day, we'll have to work on resisting mental quirks. Perhaps in second year or third.' Dracula thought as Midoriya managed to beat Hitoshi and push him out of the ring.

Another highlight was Mei using Iida as an advertisement. Then stepping out of bounds which pissed Iida off to no end. It didn't help that Present Mic recorded the match.

Shoto's matches were rather anticlimactic as he froze his opponents solid. That was... Until Midoryia faced off against Todoroki. Due to Dracula's superior hearing, he could hear Midoriya encouraging Shoto to use his fire quirk.

"It's your quirk! Your power! Not his! It's yours!" Midoriya shouted to Shoto. Impressively... It worked. Shoto used a combination of his ice and fire while Midoriya powered his quirk up to 100%.

This caused Cementoss to try and stop the fight while the Umpire of the Sports Festival, Midnight ripped open her sleeve, releasing her quirk which was a sleeping gas. Dracula, seeing just how dangerous this was, jumped out the window and flew down towards Midnight and covered her body with his own to protect her. Everyone watched as the two major powers clashed in a blinding light.

When the dust settled... Midoriya stood up panting heavily while Shoto struggled to stand before collapsing in the rubble.

Midoriya won, but at the cost of his right arm broken and bleeding.

After the stage was rebuilt and Midoriya was healed, he went up against Ochacko which proved to be not grand as the last match but there was an impressive strategy that Ochacko came up with but in the end... Midoryia was just too strong. But he encouraged her to keep it up which made her smile.

However one student was having a difficult time after her match. Momo Yaoyorozu.


Dracula watched as Momo left the stage with her head down, having been defeated by Tokoyami. His eyes were filled with sympathy as he stepped out of his chair.

"Hey, where are you going this time?" Present Mic asked him to which Dracula replied "I have to see if my student is OK."

Dracula walked out and proceeded down the hallways until he heard some crying and sniffling. He turned a corner and finally saw Momo. Her knees to her chest and her arms around them.

Dracula walked towards her which made her look up to see him. Her eyes red and puffy with tears trailing down her cheeks. "Am I... Being expelled?" She asked with a weak voice.

This surprised Dracula but shook it off as he answered. "Of course not. I don't expel those who did their best."

"But I didn't!" Yaoyorozu exclaimed. "I failed! I didn't do enough! I spent too much time defending myself instead of looking for openings! I'm a failure!" At this point she started to cry and had trouble breathing.

Dracula knelt down and placed his hands on her shoulders "Weiss! Weiss! You have to breathe. Breathe with me." He made her take deep breaths and exhaled out. Inhale... Exhale...

'... Wait. Did I just call her Weiss? Oh gods...' Dracula thought in a slight panic.

After she began to control her breathing, Dracula sat down beside her with his arm around her shoulders. "Yaoyorozu... It's OK to fail at times. If there's one thing that will always be true, is that failure is the greatest teacher in the universe. If you know why you failed and you believe you can do better, then you truly have learned. So learn from this, Yaoyorozu. You got into this school by recommendation. You earned your spot here. Now it is time for you to show everyone why you earned your spot."

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