The Next Move

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It is said that if you wish for peace, you must prepare for war. That was a lesson Dracula placed in his students' head. While peace was possible, the road towards it was filled with chaos.

Another lesson he told his students was the realization of why heroes exist. Villains. If villains ceased to exist, then the only type of heroes to still exist are Rescue Heroes. His words still rung in their heads.

"When one villain is gone, society will just find another one. It'll have to, because they have to justify all of the heroes' wages."

The students realized one thing, they weren't being trained to be heroes. They were being trained to be soldiers. Because of a society that is hell-bent on a cycle of heroes fighting villains.

Dracula warned them in class one day, "Some day, that cycle will exacerbate into a war. A war that will result in innocent people, heroes, and villains dying. I wish this wouldn't happen, but it's the sad truth."

That's where everyone was right now. In a forest, fighting for their life against a group of villains. It was an ambush and Dracula quickly gathered everyone he could back to the agency building. Pixie-Bob was taking care of Kota in the building while Vlad King was asking questions. "The hell is going on!?"

Dracula looked over the count of students and realized half of his class was still out there while Vlad's entire class, with the exception of Monoma, were outside as well.

Dracula replied, "We're under attack!" He looked at Pixie-Bob, "Pixie-Bob, stay here with the kids. Vlad King and I are going to go out and search for the other students."

She nodded and the two Hero teachers walked out of the agency building and ran to separate sides of the forest to search for their students.

With a blue fire burning the whole forest down, Tiger and Mandalay were fighting against Magne and Spinner, a lizard-like man with Stain inspired clothing.

A huge tornado of purple gas was seen in the southern side of the forest. Vlad King decided to go there while Dracula made his way to the flames.

Dracula launched up into the sky before unfurling his bone wings and flew out. His superior hawk-like eyes allowed him to scan the whole area. Unfortunately he wasn't having much luck because of the thick trees. If he could get to Mandalay and spread a message to everyone, then perhaps they have a fighting chance.


Ace Berkeley and Mina Ashido were having a troubling time against this strange figure with a scythe. The figure had a black coat with a hood, and a decayed skull mask on.

The reaper-like figure swung his scythe down, to which Ace and Mina dodged before Ace pulled a card out of his pajama pocket to fling it at the figure. He pulled his scythe out and cut the card in half.

Mina flung some acid at him to which he used his coat to take an extent of the damage. This distraction was enough to allow Ace to launch himself. The two collided onto the ground and blows were shared.

Ace punched him who punched back and his plague doctor mask was knocked off before receiving a kick to the chest and the figure got up. "Ace!" Mina shouted and rushed towards him only to be backhanded by the figure, who made his way to Ace.

Ace groaned before panicking as he realized his face was exposed until the figure used his staff to press against the British student's throat. Ace choked and struggled to push the staff off.

The figure growled, "Finally… After all these years, I finally beat you. You didn't deserve all that praise. All the attention, all because you had a lucky Quirk! Now I have my revenge!"

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