Consequences and Second Chances

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Since the trek to the hospital, Tenya Iida was waging a war inside of his mind.

Only now, was the realization of how much of a poison vengeance was coming to the student. What should've been anger was now replaced with guilt.

It was all his fault...

As Iida laid on his bed with his glasses on the nightstand next to him, footsteps echoed outside of his room when the door was opened. Iida grabbed his glasses and slid them over his ears before sitting up to see the one person he dreaded to speak with.


The teacher made his way to the foot of his bed and simply stared at Iida with a cold expressionless face, but in his eyes, Iida could've sworn he saw fire and blood swirling in his pupils.

It was silent with the exception of the machinery within the hospital.

However, that silence was broken up by Iida asking in a hopeless voice. "Have you come to expel me?"

Dracula's cold stare turned into full blown anger as he spoke with a growl. "Your actions have most certainly given me serious considerations into expelling you. Because of your intentions to find Stain, it has lead to Native retiring, Midoriya being blinded, Todoroki being hurt, and Midnight's throat lacerated. While you interfering did save Native's life, the consequences outweigh the benefits. I should expel you. I should have you blacklisted."

With each person's injury being listed, Iida cringed and couldn't look at his teacher anymore. Tears streamed down his cheeks as the full weight of it all was crashing down on him. He waited for the inevitable words to escape from Dracula's lips.

"But I'm not going to."

This made Iida blink and the tears seemed to have stopped. He looked back up at Dracula whom was no longer enraged. He moved around the bed to sit down at the edge. The King of Vampires sighed as he looked at his student. "You know exactly what has come of this, and you feel guilty. Had you still had that fiery vengeance now, then I would've truly expelled you. Iida, vengeance is not something to look towards. It is not like in the movies or comics. It will leave you empty and there is no sense of accomplishment. No one ever thinks about how it will affect those you are close to."

Iida looked down and gripped the blanket before asking "What am I to do now? What is my punishment?"

Dracula was silent as he looked at the window and the sunlight that was shy near his feet. It was full minute when Dracula answered.

"Your position as Class President will be revoked, and you will be attending therapy sessions with Hound Dog. If you wish to acquire the position again, you must prove to me that you have changed for the better. Am I understood?"

Iida looked up at him with wide eyes but knew better than to argue with him. It was better than being killed... Or worse expelled. (Priorities sorted out.)

"Who will be Class President then?" Iida questioned to which Dracula replied.

"Yaoyorozu will be taking over the position."

Iida's head snapped up to him with widen eyes. "Yaoyaorozu!? She's awake?"

"Yes, she's awake, but she's not receiving visitors right now."

Iida swallowed the lump in his throat "Sir, could you... Tell me how you saved her?"

"I'm afraid I can't say much, for my power is meant to be secret. But rest assured, she is alive and well."

Iida bowed his head "I understand, sir." Despite his words, his mind still wondered what his powers are that allowed him to bring back the dead. 'Could it be his quirk?' Iida thought in his head. 'It's not scientifically possible. Is it?'

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