Dracula's Interview- Momo Yaoyorozou

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Momo Yaoyorozou was a girl of simple pleasures. She had perfect grades, an amazing understanding of her quirk, and a part in the prestigious UA Academy.

She expected it to be difficult, but she was ready to take on the challenge. However, what she didn't expect was for the original teacher, Aizawa, to be replaced due to his injuries and for it to be a hero she's never heard of beforehand.

What she also did not expect was to walk into his office to see his mouth attached to her history and art teacher, Midnight's neck. Momo could only watch with wide eyes and her entire face a deep red. It looked like a scene from one of her romance novels or mangas.

Midnight's head rolled back in pleasure as she could feel Dracula's fangs deep on her neck. Despite the pain, there was pleasure in it.

However, a slight cough interrupted them as Dracula's blood red eyes looked to see the blushing face of his next student to interview. He pulled his fangs out, blood dripping down onto his bottom lip. He licked the blood off before pulling away, Midnight wined before looking at Momo and squeaked in surprise and embarrassment.

It was silent before Midnight said "I'll... See you later, Vlad." Before walking out of his office.

Momo still had a blush before walking towards his chair. She took notice of the things around his desk. A picture that laid flat on the table showed him in his black and red outfit and four girls... All with specific colors. A girl with black hair and red frosted tips and a black combat skirt. The most noticable thing about her was her silver eyes.

The second girl had icy blue eyes and paled skin. She had a scar over her left eye and white dress. Her hair was a snowy white and put in a side ponytail.

The third girl had long black hair and amber eyes. She had cat ears on the top of her head.

The final girl had long yellow hair like a main. She had lilac eyes and a rather muscular body.

It was clear to Momo that Dracula had a connection to them. She shook her head when he picked up the picture and placed it back in an upright position.

He sat down at his chair and looked at Momo "Now before we begin, I'd imagine you want to know what happened."

Momo looked a bit sheepish and embarrassed "I... Have some questions."

Dracula answered "My quirk requires that I ingest blood. It gives me strength. I suppose you could call me a vampire."

She couldn't help but be interested in his course. "Fascinating..."

"I hope that it does not bother you." His tone belied his words. It made her think carefully about what to say. She wouldn't lie and say she wasn't bothered by the thought of drinking blood. But she knew that quirks were always different and if it meant his needed blood. Then so be it.

"No sir. It's simply what your quirk needs in order to function." Momo answered to which Dracula looked at her before looking at her file. "Interesting answer."

He straightened the papers out before beginning "The way this will go down is that I will ask you a couple questions and you will answer to the best of your abilities. Understood?"

Momo nodded "Yes sir."

Dracula asked "Momo Yaoyorozou. Age fifteen, and Quirk is called Creation. Allowing you to create any object on an atomic level. Correct?"

Momo nodded "Correct sir."

"You were one of the two students that were accepted via recommendation, meaning you were homeschooled, correct?"

"Yes that is correct."

"Now this wasn't in your file but what was home life like for you?"

"Oh it was rather quiet. I was expected to do the very best to uphold my family's name. My mother and father hired the best tutors to train me. I studied the elemental table and atoms in order to use my Quirk to the fullest."

Vlad's mind immediately went to his daughter. Weiss... A rich girl who was expected so much from her original father before meeting her team and him.

He wrote down her answer before looking into her onyx eyes "Now this question is very important and your answer will decide the fate for the rest of your stay at this Academy. What does a hero mean to you?"

Momo was silent as her eyebrows furrowed and her lips pursed. She was thinking about it before she answered.

"If I'm quite honest, many of these heroes exist simply for money or for fame. To me, it means nothing since I have it already. I want to be a hero because I want to help people. I make charities for people who are in desperate need of help and aren't getting it. That's what a hero means to me. To save people when no one will."

She said this while looking into the eyes of her new teacher whose face was blank but she could see in his eyes, a sparkle of approval. He wrote down her answer before pushing the file off to the side "Thank you for your time, Miss Yaoyorozou. Expect your results the next day."

Momo nodded and stood up from the chair when Dracula said "Oh and be sure to keep what you saw to yourself." Her mind wandered back to what she saw and the blush creeped back onto her face. She nodded before leaving his office.

Dracula leaned back into his chair as he thought 'Just like Weiss... A girl expected too much from her family.'

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