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I shivered as the night's cold air hit me. It looked like it was about to rain. Thunderstorm. I love storms it's so comforting

Mama finally let me out the house in a month. I go to an all girl school since birth. I just turned 17 last month and that means my life is soon to be me....

My dad will find me a rich husband who tends to be 30-60 years old. They will bare me with a child to continue our legacy. I hate it. I don't want a child. Not with an old wrinkly dick.

At my school I have no friends. Mostly because I was adopted. My mom couldn't have children they all died so she adopted me at 4 months. My dad cheats on her almost everyday but let me wear a skirt too flirty and he locks me away forever.

At my school I'm so different than everybody else. Everyday all I think about is sex. Sometimes I want to touch myself but I have cameras In my room. My dad set it up because he wanted to make sure I kept myself pure....

Today my mom let me walk to the shops by myself. ALLL by myself.

I have about 45 minutes every time I go out to go get groceries for the house.
She always gives me bad food to get. No snacks so I can"keep my figure".
I quickly snapped out of my thoughts as I heard people laughing and joking around. Sounded like men..grown men.

"She a bad one but she couldn't handle her liquor. I hate a bitch who can't handle her liquor"a deep voice yelled laughing outside the coffee shop.

Deep voices make my panties wet.

Yeah they were definitely drunk.

They were tall and strongly built, their laughter loud and their voices deep.
I held my hands in my pockets from the nervousness. I never am not nervous

I shiver went down my spine as the big one noticed me. He kept staring.

And not like he thinks I'm he wants me. I still kept walking. You're jumping the gun.

I just want to try some before I get forced into marriage. Marriage season is this summer I fear...thats 4 months away.

He kept his gaze and I tried everything to wipe this grin on my face away forever but I couldn't.

"You're cute princess.."he mentioned and I slowly nodded walking in the store sexually frustrated. Every man is so fine even at school we have this math teacher. I just wish he would.

"Ughhh"I groaned a little bit loud scrolling the cart down every aisle not paying attention to the people in front of me then I hit a wall

"Oh you're not a wall"i fixed my posture

"I'm pretty sure I'm not"his voice sounded sarcastic

He has dark brown hair and brown eyes god I love brown eyes. Tattoos on his arm that read "Prophet" with a cross I never seen before. And a ruby red rose

"Who let you out the house?"his face scrunched up

I would say something back but I couldn't stop gazing at his arms

"I'm- Dani"

"You look 12 Dani but thanks for thinking I'm cute"he replied making my body turn red

"I-I never said you looked uhm. I'm not 12 I'm 17"i couldn't think straight

"Yeah you're lying"he laughed

"What?!"I said getting closer to him realizing the height difference

Like an inch down from his I looked down

"Looking for something grade 8?"

"How old are you?"


"What's your fathers name my dad might know him"

"Who is your father?"


"King of what?"

"King of the city"

"So a fucking mayor?"

"I don't know"I questioned looking down again but I did

"Find anything you're looking for"he grabbed my hair softly

"Oh god"i mumbled

"I never met a horny grade 6 before"

"Not. Either."

"Maybe you should learn to rub one out. I can feel the lust from here"

"Rub one out?"

"A joke..,"

"I don't understand the joke"

"I'm not explaining that to a grade 5"

"Stop calling me that"I mumbled walking away with the cart.

"You old bitch"I mumbled pushing the cart with my head

"How do you shop like this?"

"Why do you care"

"Feisty grade 4. And your skirt is lifting. Black I like the color black"he said referring to my panties

"Why you keep calling me that?!"

"Just kidding with the mid teen"

"If you care so much about my shopping. Then you do it for me"I said before I felt a hand around my waist

"I-oh my lord"I sighed

"Dude. You're hormone level isn't right.."he said into my ear putting me back down

"Shut. Up"

"No you're burning between your legs I could feel it."

"Leave me alone"

"You're a virgin. You've never been touched or a man has never talked to you before?"


"I'm not correct?"He asked as I walked away. I only have 45 minutes.

"Come on"he said lifting me up again and he put me on his arm?

I gave him the list and he filled it up but continued shopping

"I can't eat that"

"It's chocolate. Everybody can eat chocolate"

"No..."I mumbled

"You never had candy before?"


"You're lying"

"No.."I shook my head

"For a mayor that nigga sure is strict"

"Why did you say that word"

"You never seen a mixed person before?"

"Oh"I glanced at his features

Purple spot. Lots of purple spots.

Once we left out the shops his whole demeanor changed.

"Someone is staring"he said so I looked around seeing a few girls from my school and their moms.

"I have to go home now."I tried grabbing all the totes with the food but he got too much stuff

"I'm gonna get in so much trouble for speaking with you."I fumbled with the bags inside the cart

"I don't understand Dani."

"My dad. That's all."I grabbed all the important stuff and snuck a chocolate bar in one of them and ran away

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