Chapter- five

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"Okay..just calm down"i whispered to myself while in my room covering myself in a blanket fort.

"Ace..Ace"I tried to perfect my moan until I found the right one

I replayed everything in my head about how to do it and how he told me to do it

"Tease you body grab your boobs a little until you get a heartbeat in between your legs. Wait a few minutes until you can't resist the urge to satisfy yourself. Slowly slide your hand down your body and spreading your legs. The more you start feeling good add more fingers. Tease yourself until your body jerks for more and entree yourself at a angle. Search for the spot w craving for and keep going to it until the tension builds up and you have no choice but to release on yourself"

"Ace..."I moaning feeling the sensation
His lips..his veins his voice.

"You like that?"I repeated in my head his voice over and over again until...I did it.

I clean my body and took a long shower and did it again. It felt so good I couldn't. I did it another time before I went to bed. I have to tell someone. I have to tell Ace.

I skipped school and wore black underwear today.

One I reached the parking lot I searched for his car and saw him in a different spot this time. His window were even more pitch black

*knock knock knock*

"Ace"I said and heard the car unlock.

"Hi Ace"

"You using my real name too much."

"Sorry"I said looking at the rope tied around his arm

"Don't worry about that"he tilted my head up towards his face.

"What's up?"he said kissing me lips so slowly and then biting them

"I made myself came"

"You did?"


"It's like 8:45 how you here?"

"I skipped"

"Why you do that"

"I don't know"I lied lowering my voice

"You don't have to lie..whatever you want"he grinned and his eyes turned bloodshot red

"What were you doing?"

"Testing products."

"Can I test it?"


"Why not"

"I said you can't"his face turned serious

"Come sit on my lap"he moved his hands motioning to his lap

"Hi"I giggled strapping my thighs around his basketball shorts

"Take off your shirt and then Imma take you to school"

"I don't want to go to school"

"Take off your skirt"he bit his lower lip and. Stared at me while I undressed myself

"I can't give you children Dani.."

"I know. I don't want kids"I rolled my eyes.

"Come here"he rubbed my are against his print

"You like that baby?"he asked as his fingers went in and out of me

"Yeah..yes"I tried to calm myself down but was too excited

So I faked it.

"Yes..right there wait"I faked and then let out a huge sigh.

"So you're faking shit now?"

"I don't think you're good at fingering"

"Or you can't calm yourself down"he looked tired

"I'll see you another day when you're not tired

"I'm not tired. I'm high. And I said I'm taking you to school so stop."

"I don't want to go back to school"

"Get in the back Dani"he said scooting his seat up and I reached my naked body over the seat.

"Calm yourself down"

"I am"

"You're not."

"Okay well I'm scared."

"Don't be then."

"I can't help it. I get nervous around you"i sighed turning my head.

"That's not true"he shook his head

"What do you mean"

"You don't want sex. You just want the feeling of it inside you."he said grabbing something out his pocket and pulling his pants up down

"Sex is a man being inside me? And you touched me before so obviously you want me."

"You're gonna fuck your professor with that mentality "he pulled down his pants.

To be honest I didn't understand half the shit I was saying. Testing products in the car then her horny ass whose not even horny came in the door.

Now she's tryna fuck. She doesn't want it. She doesn't know everything that comes with sex. She's a women she's gonna have emotional attachment if I fuck her. I don't know if I should do this if I'm just gonna leave before summer. And if I get her pregnant my boss would make me take her in because he doesn't do"dead beat dads. I kill those"

I pulled my pants down and then her whole naked Carmel complexion turned red and her body turned even hotter then her natural warmth.

"What did I say?"I had a confused look on my face.

"Nothing"her eyes fixated on my dick and I pull her closer and could hear her heart beating which made me even more rational about this.

"If you want me to-"

"Do it"she smirked scooting closer.

I laid her down easing slowly inside of her my hand gently on her stomach.

"Oh my god Ace-"she moaning tilting her head back.

I looked to the side and noticed the condom wasn't open and I fucked up.

"Go faster"she put her arm around my neck but I pulled away.

"No no don't do that"she got angry

"I wasn't going to fuck you. Just testing the waters."

"Test it more. Do multiple tests"

"No. Get dressed so I can take you to school"

"Not getting dressed"she curled up into a ball then uncurled

"How did you know."she said looking at me while I drove. She was referring to when I mentioned her math teacher

"I know everything."

"Shut up."

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