Chapter 1

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Authors note: This is the backyards picture ontop and, This is the front of the house right here!!!


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My name is Josie Carter and this is my life....

I have 5 siblings, my eldest brother, Scott is in his 2nd year of college and he, himself, is known for being the player in the family so you can imagine knowing I've met my fair share of older girls at my school, in many different ways..... or in my case positions, but I still love him...kinda.

Anyways, we got Aiden my twin, he is player himself but more of the goofball in the family. That, and he can dance better than me which is not saying much but it is when you can dance better than my very beautiful mother.

Oh my favorite, Millie, she just turned 15 and is the most sarcastic, antisocial, little shit, oh and everybody loves her... NOT. We have had to been kicked out of a party this year 3 times because she kept scaring the children after they asked her to play with them.

The fuck are you doing to those kids????

And last but not least, angels but demons, My 12 year old twin siblings. Lilac and Jake, I got to give it to my parents but they got some pretty damn good genes and before you say why......let's just say that well, first my sister is a 12 year old who has gotten asked out 4 times this school year, we just started last month.

And that blonde luscious hair that she inherited from my mother a pair of matching crystal blue eyes. God, her smile matches my father's so much you could tell why she was the favorite kid I mean she was the perfect love child. But of course, as I said before there wasn't just one of them there was 2 and this one seemed to be like every other Carter male.

Jake had a twist to him, he didn't have moms beautiful champagne blonde hair or those peircing blue eyes like Scott or Lilac, instead he was the spining image of dad. Im talking from the start of dark chocolate fluffy hair to his sky blue eyes. Let me tell you Lilac wasn't the only when gaining admires, I have had like 5 girls tell me my little brother is cute or to ask me if he would be intrested in there younger siblings like WTH he is 12.

On a beautiful sunny, saturday morning, you would expect to wake up to birds chirping as the sun shines right against the window across from your bed frame. To move away your covers only to have the cute new set you bought from victoria secret that made your ass look fat and your curves define, now I would continue but that's all bullshit. First, I did not wake up to my curtains being opened, no, it looked like the inside of a morgue and to be honest smelled like one too. Seconed, I was covered in an old, worn out, oversized shirt I had "borrowed" from Scott years ago. Third, last but not least, I was woken up by fucking banging. BANGING, who in the actual fuck bangs on someones door at 7 am.

I reluctantly get up from the bed when another bang comes through the door.

"Girl, GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED BEFORE I BREAK DOWN THIS DOOR" I could practically hear Liv scolding Sophie from behind the door as she kept trying to shush her. I can't help but giggle at my 2 best friends as I made my way towards the door.

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