Chapter 10

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A/N: Just saying this has happened in true life events about the dysplasia


For the first time since I could remember, I fell asleep without my pills or drinking. I actually slept more than 6 hours without my pills and I feel like a baby. Since I could remember, I have had to go to hospital from hospital because of my kidney. The story is my left kidney never developed and they didnt catch on until I was 4 years old. By that time the pain was really bad, but each time my parents went to doctors they would either tell them that I was sexually assualted or abused by them.

Which I was not, just saying and it wasn't until I was 4 that a doctor said I had cancer in my cervix. They sent my parents to Children's hospital in Los Angeles, where they confirmed I didnt have cancer. But I did have kidney dysplasia, its were the kidney does not develop.

I was in first grade, I had just turned 7 that month when I had my surgery. They removed my left kidney leaving me with only my right. I had to be very careful since I was only left with my right kidney, and ever since then its been very hard to have a life with one kidney.

And you may ask 'why is that hard?', well it is because from a young age I couldnt do certian things like activities. In the beggining I wasn't able to play soccer, cheerleading, vollyball, or any physical activity. After awhile my parents finally let me but also the pain was unbearable it felt like somone was stabbing my left side.

This is something very personal but I also went through alot of UTIs in my childhood. It makes everything burn and it was very embarrasing for me, so most of the time I would suck it up. Luckily for me I dont get them anymore so I dont really remember how the pain feels, but it was like a fire in my bladder.

And my parents told me that when I was a baby I would never stop crying and I would always be awake. Even as child and they suspected it was my kidney most of the time. I know you may think I am dramatic but try going through a childhood without ever being like the other children, playing on the monkey bars not worrying about when the next time they have to go to the hospital because there life is at risk.

Fluttering my eyes open, I feel a heavy arm wrapped tightly against my waist. Looking up, I come face to face with a sleeping Caleb, running my eyes over his features. His sharp jaw that is clenched, with his pale skin tone and defined cheek bones, his long black eyelashes making him look like an angel.

Running a hand through his soft hair down to his side profile, I pull back my hand and turn to get out of his hold. His arm tightens around my waist when I try to turn, he moves his body to cuddle with me. He placed his head in the crook of my neck, feeling his hot breath against my neck made me squeal from the tickles running down my neck.

I felt him smirk against my ear, "Morning, firecracker" he whisper came out husky and dee and god did that make me swoon.

Making my heart melt, I smiled at the sound of his voice "Morning buttercup" I smirk knowing the nickname gets on his nerve. He rolled his coffee brown eyes at me, making me giggle at his irritated expression.

He raises an eyebrow at me with an amused expression "What are you laughing at, princess" he asks with a chuckle. Moving my eyes over the roof, I met his eyes once again.

With a smug look I say "Your pain entertains me, what can I say" still smiling like a cheshire cat.

He shakes his head in amusement chuckling at me, staying quiet he looked at me with his brown eyes sparkling with awe. Smiling back with a soft expression, we stay like that for a moment but god did it feel like a lifetime.

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