Chapter 19

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Deciding that it's best to go back to the party before anyone notices how long I've been gone. Stepping out into the hallway, I was about to continue heading downstairs when I felt a large hand grip onto my wrist and pull me back into the room. My heart practically dropped out of my ass when I fell back into a hard chest.

"Already falling for me, are we princess?" Calebs voice filled my ears, I could practically see the smirk on his face without even looking at him.

What a sly fuck!!!

I looked up at him and placed my hands onto his chest to try and create some distance. His usually ocean blue eyes felt like I was looking into the dark night. I could feel my breath get caught in my throat. Damn it. Snap out of it, he is trying to make you get all flustered on purpose!!!

Pushing him away, I practically sprinted the whole way downstairs without even looking back to see if Caleb was following.

Holy shit!!!

I was so fricking close to just smashing my lips against his.

I don't know how long I can keep trying to stay away from him without thinking of him touching me and...

Wait- hold the fuck up, did I just say "touching me" as in like making me hot and heavy. Oh god, I'm thinking about CALEB PRICE groping me?! As if he's Damon Salvatore or some shit!

That's it!!! New rule stay the hell away from Caleb because my body is out of control. How many of those Tylenol pills did I take again? Because I'm 95% sure that's why I'm acting so mentally unstable or in other words thinking that asshole is "hot"!!!!

Hearing someone call my name pulled me out of whatever pep talk I was giving myself. Finally focusing on the party, I spotted Sophie walking over to me with concern written on her face but also a "I'm gonna hurt you" kind've face. And yes, I am very concerned for what's gonna happen next.

I watched her as she finally stood in front of me with her arms crossed against her chest with that disappointed mother look.

"Where the hell did you go?!" Sophie shouted in my face with concern plastered onto her face.

The guilt I felt had made me realized that Sophie isn't mad at me she is worried and honestly very concerning since she is the most careless, crazy, and relentless girl I've ever known.

"To my room...." I answered hesitantly, god she looks so close to setting the house on fire!!!!

Her face practically screamed "who the fuck do you think you are giving me that attitude", calm down girl. As her face started to turn a bright shade of red it started to match her hair, I slowly and subtly started stepping back only to see her narrow her eyes as she watched me continue.

We watched each other as I slowly made my way out of her sight only to hear her scream as soon as the door shut close "JOSEPHINE CARTER YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE NOW AND START TALKING".

I know I should have been scared maybe even a little shook but let's be honest here Sophie isn't gonna chase me with the chance of running into my dumbass twin and I'm not afraid of using the twins as bait.

Strolling down the halls as I got farther and farther from the redheads rath. I noticed Lilac standing next to the couch with Jackson and Jake across from her on the floor. Lilac may have been on her phone aggressively swiping but anyone could feel and see how hard he was staring at her. God, young love, it sounds so amazing until they shatter your heart in pieces.

Good thing I never had to go through that, I would've held a grudge for the rest of my life.

The question is, why?! Why won't Lilac just try and talk to him?

Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of Lilac for holding her own ground but at the same time she won't even try to hear Jackson out. It's not fair because I know damn well that if Lilac was in his position she would lock him in a room for a straight 20 minutes to tell her side of the story until he gets it.

But I don't think Jackson is gonna go that far.....hopefully.

It's a little extreme...or a lot

To experience that type of love at that age I wouldn't wanna be them. That's the time to have fun and be kids, that means having a new relationship every week. With how close our families are it sounds like a lot of trouble for nothing.

The worst part is it's mutual, they both want each other but they can't say it because they know once they do they can't go back.

I could feel someone's eyes on me and I already knew who was lurking in the shadows. Turning my head over to the hallway entrance I saw that familiar blue eyed boy with the same hunger in his eyes when I left him in my room.

I don't want to want Caleb Price but I'm afraid I already do.

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