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Hi, I'm so sorry for the delay! I know it's been forever. I had gotten really bad writers block and then I just needed a break from social media altogether to preserve my mental health. But I'm back :) and like promised, here's the epilogue (plus a bonus "chapter").

I'll be doing a Q&A on my Instagram in case y'all have any questions I left unanswered for this book. I'll most likely do that in a couple days. My Instagram is zoechristinaxx

Thanks for reading. Make sure to check out my final authors note at the very end of the book!

- Zoe


7 Years Later


"And who should I make this out to?" I ask the young boy in front of me. He stands nervously beside his mother with rosy cheeks and a pair of thick glasses perched on his nose. 

"Go on," the mother whispers in his ear. She lightly pushes him forward causing him to stumble, but he quickly regains his balance and takes a couple steps closer to me with a book anxiously clutched to his chest. 

"What's your name, love?" I ask the small boy. He can't be much older than 9 or 10 years old. 

"Holden," he shyly mumbles. He holds out the book in his hand which I gingerly take from him. It's a copy of Moon of Gold - the first book of a children's fantasy series I wrote about six and a half years ago. 

It was right after the Brit Awards in 2020. We had just found out that we would be housebound indefinitely due to an emergency lockdown going into effect because of the coronavirus pandemic. I was a little bit nervous about going stir crazy in the house but I used writing as an escape. One day I got a random idea for this fantasy novel consisting of wizards and creatures and fairies. I took it and ran with it and somehow it's turned into this five book series. It's since become an international best selling series and I've sold nearly three million copies of it worldwide.

"That's a nice name," I tell Holden, earning a small smile. I then flip open the cover of Moon of Gold in preparation to scribble a small message on it. 

"I'm your biggest fan," the boy blurts out. His cheeks temporarily burn red but his slight embarrassment doesn't stop the word vomit from spilling out of him. "I love this series. I've read it like five times already. It's my favorite."

I grin. 

"Thank you," I reply, feeling slightly flustered from the compliment. I don't think I'll ever get used to them, to be honest. I'm always incredibly grateful to hear the kind things people have to say about my work. "Which character is your favorite?"

"Doran," Holden confidently tells me. 

I smile. 

"Can I tell you a secret?" I ask. Holden excitedly nods. I lean forward and briefly glance around for added suspense before looking back at the boy. "He's my favorite, too."

Holden's eyes widen like I gave him the surprise of a lifetime. 

"Really?" he asks. 

I nod. 


Holden begins to babble on and on about how much he loves Doran, a mythical creature in Moon of Gold who likes to stir up mischief. While Holden talks to me, I quickly write a little message in his book. I mean after all, it's the whole purpose of this book signing. 

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