Chapter 22: Story Time

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Hahahahaha!!!! Oh gosh!!!

That funny moment when your ex tells you that he misses you and still loves you but he also told that to two other girls.

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 (for those of you who can't see. I put the laughing emoji)

Anywho lol. My grandpa came to visit!!

And for those of you who don't know about him. My grandmother passed away about 2 years ago from Alzheimer's. He stopping visiting for awhile because he was too busy taking care of my grandma. And when he did come to visit, he only stays for about a day before leaving to go back to my grandma.

So when he does visit, I like to just hang out with him.

So until he leaves, I won't be updating.

And I'm pretty sure I failed both of my tests 😂 oh well.

But. He's the chapter!!



"Thank you for sneaking me food." Lou smiled at me as he took a bite out of his turkey sandwich.

We were all getting hungry, so my mom and I decided to sneak into the pack house and grab a couple of foods that would go unnoticed.

I smiled back as I took a sip of coffee. "No problem."

"I don't understand why people say money can't buy happiness." Lou said after swallowing his bite. "It bought me this sandwich and that makes me happy."

"I didn't buy you the sandwich." I laughed. "The sandwich came from the fridge in the pack house."

"Ya but you bought the ingredients." He smirked.

"Touché." I smirked back.

My mom laughed as she took a bite of her yogurt. "I don't understand why he is still locked up in this dirty place."

I shrugged. "Why can't we let him out?"

"We don't have the key. Only Asher, Levi, and Spike have the keys." My mom explained.

April, Jamie, Sapphire, and I all smirked.

"No." My mom said sternly. "I know what you are thinking and no."

I groaned. "He wouldn't even know the key was gone."

"I said no."

"Fine." I huffed.

'Gonna get it later?' Star asked.

'Oh ya.' I said back to her.

"Story time." Lou said setting down his juice box. "After the war between the two packs, Kyle had everyone training like crazy. He demanded that if anyone sees a rogue, to bring them in immediately. He promised them a place in his pack of they wanted to join. But it wasn't much of a choice."

"Why not?" Amber asked.

"Because it was either join his pack or die." Lou said sadly.

"That explains why his pack is increasing so much." Amber sighed. "No one wants to die."

"I was afraid something like this was gonna happen." My mom sighed pulling me into her side.

I growled. "You guys are making it sound like he is winning."

"We won't." Jamie promised.

Lou cracked a smile. "After he made himself alpha, he told everyone that Alex was his mate."

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