Chapter 15: Secrets Come Out

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Hey everyone!!

Oh my gosh. The creepiest thing happened to me.

Okay so I live next to this cult type thing and they drive unmarked moving van/semi type things. And one of them followed me almost all the way to my school. So freaking creepy.

And at school today. The hottest guy with the hottest smile smiled at me. And of course I smiled back. But he was wearing a camo hat, camo sweatshirt, and dirty work jeans with dirty work boots.

Now. For those of you guys that have been with me since the beginning know that my all time weakness. Is dirty work jeans and dirty work boots. Like damn. Country men in dirty work jeans/boots. ER MER GAWD!! My all time weakness. And a nice smile haha. :)

Okay. So I'm not scared of spiders. Unless...
1. They are in my shower and I lose sight of them.

2. They are huge, fuzzy, and fast.

I can handle them. But if they are really big and fuzzy.....ya not so much.

I had the BIGGEST wolf spider in my living room the other day. It was fucking huge and hairy and fast.

I don't think I have ever ran and jumped to another chair so fast in my entire life.

I screamed and I was on that chair in under a second haha. Not fun what so ever.

(Unedited. Don't feel really well. So I know there will be mistakes. Please don't make a big deal about them.)



"This was a fun barbecue." Jamie scoffed as the girls, my parents, the boys, Kaydon and his crew, Kaydon's parents, and I walked into Asher's office.

"So who is exactly this Kyle guy?" Kaydon asked me stepping closer to me.

I shrugged. "All I know is that some tall dark haired guy with these creepy brown eyes walked up to me at the mall and introduced himself as Kyle. And he knew my name."

"Did you tell him your name?" My mom asked me carefully.

"Hell to the no. Why would I tell some creepy ass guy my name." I said shivering. "He gave off a really bad vibe."

"I'm just glad you're okay." Asher said with a small smile.

I looked at him for a moment before looking away to Sapphire and Jamie.

"Alex." My dad sighed. "You need to let this go."

"I will when I'm ready." I said sternly.

"Alex." Kaydon said turning me to face him. "I know he used his alpha command on you and forbidden us to be mates." Kaydon paused and threw a glare and a small growl at Asher over his shoulder. "But he still is your brother. And it's not healthy to be mad at him."

"I really am sorry." Asher said walking out from behind his desk. "I didn't mean too. I guess my wolf and I just got upset because our baby sister was yelling and cussing at us. I really did not mean to use my alpha voice on you. Please forgive me?" Asher begged as he gave me the puppy dog eyes.

I let out a deep breathe. "Fine. I forgive you. But." I smirked.

Asher let out a chuckle. "I knew there would be a catch."

"But." I said and smiled. "You have to give me three pieces of your bacon every morning for a month."

Asher gasped. "Three?! That's so many."

"Dude." I laughed. "You have like three plates of bacon every morning."

"Your point?" Asher laughed as he gave me a hug. "I really am sorry."

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