Chapter 30: Jamie's Birthday And The First Attack

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Ey!! Wud up my peeps??

Ha. Jk jk. ;)


Anywhore, I'm pretty sure I passed my test, so that's good.

And my Updates book is #22 in the Random category, which is kinda cool :D

So on with the story!!

I have decided to make my dog Zeus the mascot for the Faithful Shifters! He got really excited when I told him that and he started to wag his tail really fast lol.

(Don't forget to check out my other books because you love me!!!)



I opened the fridge to find some cream to put in my coffee.

"Good morning!" Someone yelled next to my ear.

I screamed and jumped back to see Jamie laughing on the ground.

"What the hell?!" I growled at her.

"That was priceless! Did you see your face?" She laughed even more as she got up.

"I hate you." I growled.

But I stopped once I sniffed the air.

"When did that happen?" We both yelled at the same time.

"Last night." I said. "You?"

"This morning." Jamie said blushing.

"What a birthday present." I winked at her.

She smirked. "You know it."

"So you are fully marked and mated, and I'm only marked. Damn." I laughed.

"I'm neither." Sapphire growled as she walked into the kitchen wearing James' shirt. "Because somebody's mate called my mate to go fix a rogue problem last night."

"Sorry." I smiled sheepishly. "We were kinda uh..busy."

"I can see that." Sapphire laughed.

"So, it's a Saturday. What do you girls want to do?" I asked.

"Hmm." Jamie hummed looking around. "How about a movie."

"Which one?" Sapphire asked.

"I heard Cinderella is still playing."

"Oh ya." I said nodding. "I heard today was the last day."

"Let's go see it." I smiled grabbing my phone. "I'll call Kaydon. We can drag those boys along with us."

We all laughed and grabbed out coats

"Luna! Beta Female! Third Female!" A guard yelled running into the kitchen.

I jumped as I heard growls coming from outside and dropped my coat out of shock.

"What happened?" I asked worried.

What is going on?

"Rogue attack." He breathed out.

I gasped.


"Get everyone who can't fight to the safe house. And then get everyone who can fight, bring them to where the battle is." I ordered.

"Yes Luna." The guard said as he ran out of the house.

 I turned back to look at the girls. "Ready to put our training to use?"

Kyle's RevengeOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara