Uncharted Territory

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"Maybe she just needs a little encouragement." Tommy explained from his place on the couch beside Leah.

They'd been waiting for Trin to arrive for over an hour and it was obvious she wasn't going to show. Why had Leah even let Ruth and Tommy talk her into doing something so idiotic? Trin wouldn't ever be taken with her, nor would she be interested in becoming the center of the conversation, which Leah surmised was what she most likely thought would happen at a dinner party. She knew that, she knew how Trin was and knew that whatever Tommy had most assuredly said to her earlier had probably scared her off for good. That little bit of hope Leah held was quickly dwindling into nothing more than a passing thought.

"We can all go over there and--" Tommy started up once more and Leah sighed.

"Invade more of her personal space?" She interrupted as she stood.

Everyone was looking at her. Leah didn't have to see it to know it. She didn't have to see the strain and hurt on her own face to know it was there. Rejection. That's what happened here tonight.

In the end, Trinity didn't want her.

Leah could have felt relieved above anything else seeing as how she was certain it was just one of those passing fancies she would feel less every day. It wasn't like she really knew Trin and she also knew crushes came and went. It... It doesn't have to mean anything. Leah thought as she ran her hands along her thighs. Although, now that it was real. Now that Trinity had refused Ruth and Tommy's offer and was in all likelihood left with nothing short of a well informed story detailing Leah's apparent romantic feelings, she felt hollow and empty as her ultimate answer surrounded her like a dense, cold fog.

The fact of the matter was...she actually did like Trin. A lot. There was just something about her that drew her in and now that something would be forever lost before it ever really got a chance to live. How had she kidded herself into thinking anything other than this would be the end result? She knew better. She'd remembered as much not even a day ago.

"Oh, come on! You're just gonna give up, Leah?" Ruth took hold of her wrist and tugged on it. "That's not the Leah I know. You always go after what you want, so what's so different about this go around."

"She isn't interested in getting to know me, Ruthie!" Leah pulled her wrist free and grabbed her walking stick from the table beside the couch, then made her way to the front door. "Just...give me some alone time, please. And don't follow me. Any of you. Don't worry about me, for once..."

She heard them standing and moving toward her, but ignored them. However, Leah didn't get too terribly far and stumbled on something on the porch just outside of her solid oak door. Tommy caught her and she was immediately thankful he never listened to her, feeling rather childish for her quick, hurtful words earlier.

"You okay, sis?"

"Yeah, there's just something..." Leah trailed off and knelt down, feeling something long on the ground.

She picked it up and felt there was wrapping paper around it, having a vague inkling of what it could be as her heart nearly leapt from her chest. Giving Tommy her walking stick, Leah ripped the paper from whatever lay just inside and found the familiar grooves of the cane Trinity was making, but this was a bit different. Leah felt new grooves along it and it was so smooth. The most sleek thing she'd ever felt and she loved the sensation it left on her fingers that were rapidly sending sizzles throughout her arm.

"Where did it come--" Ruth began, but didn't get a chance to finish.


Tommy and Ruth were silent and Leah stepped down from the porch. She felt the length of the cane along the ground and that it had been perfectly measured. She felt along the handle for the flowers to find not only the orchids from before, but a freshly picked Daisy along it with a rubber band keeping it in place. Running her fingers along its length once more, Leah was flooded with excitement. She wanted more.

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