In a Fiery Daze

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Leah walked to the garden with some soil in her hands and set it down once she felt the edge of the miniature labyrinth shrubs with the tips of her rain boots. The garden smelled as nice as always, but the other day she felt the soil was a bit dry. After asking Trin for some advice, they made a trip into town to get better soil. Trin never left the truck, of course, but her being willing to at least leave her home and venture out into the waking world was a consolation prize of its own caliber.

The easy nature between them was just what Leah hoped and even more. Trin hadn't let down all of her walls, mind you, but she'd let down enough to unwind a little more around her and it sent Leah's heart into such a serendipitous rhythm. She found herself smiling each time she thought of Trin.

For the last week, they'd spent time together in Trin's workshop and at the hospital where Leah had been officially introduced to Buddy. Not so much time at the hospital as in Trin's comfort zone, but still enough time to really get a read on how adorable and rather territorial Buddy could be with his family. It was apparent he saw Trin as such. He reminded Leah of her in some ways, but held stark differences in so many others. His parents had signed their parental rights over to Trin and while it worried her that they may one day try to take him away, Leah could feel the giddiness wafting off of her with growing nearer Buddy's release.

In a matter of days, Trin had gone from wanting to find a good family for Buddy to wanting him to be with her. It was a giant step, something Leah hadn't understood until she heard the delightful conversation between them at the hospital. There was no way around it now. Trin was in deep and it only made Leah feel as though she was in a whirlwind of emotions of which she wasn't able to ascertain.

Tommy's wife, who was a social worker, had helped to show the hospital that Trin was the perfect person to take Buddy home. The connection between them and the care Trin showed for his wellbeing was what they looked for in a caregiver and Leah was so happy for--

"Hey." Leah yelped at the gruff voice from behind herself and dropped the mulch as she spun around. She may have been too deep in thought to notice him coming up from behind, but she registered exactly to whom that voice belonged. Dexter. "Been a while. How are you?"

"What are you doing here, Dex? Shouldn't you be in prison?"

"Charges were dropped." As he approached, twigs snapped under his heavy feet and with each break, Leah flinched, ready to run in any direction in a moment's notice.

"How the hell--"

"Doesn't really matter now, does it? I'm here and we can try to work this out. Come into town with me and we can discuss it over some--"

"No." She turned around to pick up her soil, but he beat her to it. It was yanked from her outstretched fingers and he grunted in the direction of its destination. With a groan, she stepped forward as she crossed her arms like a security blanket over her chest. "You and I will never be together again."

He dropped the mulch bag onto the ground and took hold of her arm rather roughly. "Don't do this, Leah. I love you and need you."

"I said no and I meant it." She winced as pain shot through her arm with every tug he gave.

"Is this because of the dyke from before? You have some experiment going with her?"

"What did you just...?" Leah pulled to get her arm free, yet he just wouldn't relinquish his hold. "No, I'm not feeding into your ego. Leave or I'll call Ruthie out here and--"

"So, your brother left, then?"

Acutely aware it was now just herself and Ruth left in their home, that their friends had returned home, Leah shuffled back. She didn't get far. Dexter caught her other arm and pulled her back towards himself.

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