What If? (3)

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Author's Note:

I decided to post tonight. and then work on my other story LMLDU. 

Jack and Samantha were caught in a very difficult situation. but will things work out okay?


-the velvet rose-



Jack turned to face the man, his body blocking me from the crazy guy.

I tried to take a step from behind Jack, to try to see what he meant by that. But Jack just took a step with me, blocking me once again. 

“Where is Silvia?! My daughter! Where is she?!” 

Jack just looked at the man, his body tense and ready. 

“Answer the question!” The man pulled out a gun and aimed it at Jack’s heart. 

He stood there, ten or so feet from us, his eyes almost bulging from fury. 

I was trembling with fear, but Jack just stood there, calm, and almost blocking all of my sight but the gap between his arm and his body. 


He held the gun more firmly, and got ready to pull the trigger. 


The man was growing more impatient, even though we had only been standing here a full minute. 

Jack was a statue in front of me, not risking making a single movement. Something tells me that if I wasn’t here, then Jack would have taken him down.

I wished so much that we had stayed at home. 

“Tell me where she is or I will kill you, do you understand?” 

The alarms were quieting down and then just stopped. My ears were still ringing, though I was too focused on the man to notice. 

“You, girl. Are you with them?” He said ‘them’ in an acid tone. 

“Don’t talk to her,” Jack barked at him. 

“Get out from behind him, or I’ll shoot him.” 

My eyes scanned the man, to see if he had a hint of bluff in him. He didn’t. 

I began to take my step when Jack pushed me back.

“You forget who’s holding the gun. Now move out from behind him so I can take you home. You’ll be safe from these monsters.” 

I gripped tighter onto Jack’s arm, afraid. 

“Tell me where my daughter is or I’ll kill you both. I only came here to get her. I only took this job to get her! Now bring her to me or I’ll start shooting the girl!” 

The man loaded the gun and realized that Jack wasn’t going to tell him anything. I wanted to tell Jack, to yell at him to tell him where the girl was. My voice was lost deep inside the fear.

“Close your eyes,” Jack whispered. 



I felt as if the oxygen had disappeared, leaving me trying to gasp for air. 

But I wasn’t the one who got hit. 

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