What if? (5)

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Author's Note:

I just recently started listening to the band Rise Against after many people on here recommended it to me, and this song is like perfect for Jack and Samantha's relationship in my opinion. hehe. 

Alright, so Samantha's embarrassment continues!

-the velvet rose-



“They saw everything.” 

“But- I mean. they didn’t just shut off the cameras when. Oh God please no!” 

“No they didn't. and each one of them wont be able to see by tomorrow.” Jack said with a threatening smile. 

“But why only stare at me? They saw you too,” I said, my voice twice as high as normal. 

“A female hasn’t been on this planet in nearly sixteen years..” His jaw clenched. 

I sat on the couch in pure horror. 

“Well if you need me, I’ll be under a rock.” I told him. 

I buried my head in a pillow while Jack left to check on Zack or something..


Humiliation. What I am suffering from. I really cant believe they saw. 

Jack walked in the room a few hours later and sat next to me. 

“They said they didn’t see all of it. Just the first five minutes maybe. So it wasn’t much. Henry shut it off. I have destroyed the recording and everything is good again.” 

“How do you know they only saw five minutes?” I questioned. 

“Because the recording was only four minutes and thirty-nine seconds long. That’s when Henry shut it off. They didn’t see much,” 

“They still saw too much,” I groaned. “Where’s my rock? I’m ready to crawl under it.” 

He sighed. 

(Two days later..)

I have been in my room most of the time. For several reasons; I’m exhausted, I have nothing else to do, and I have been beyond scarred.. 

Jack has been in and out of the room, talking with Zack and also cleaning up the mess the raid of humans have made. 

Weird how I think humans with disgust, and yet I am- I mean use to be one.  

Jack wont let me help because it can be ‘dangerous’. anything involving something as dangerous as a thumb tac, I apparently cant handle. 

I was lucky he let me even stay in a room that has *gasps* books with actually paper that I can give myself a paper cut! He overreacts. 

So I have been spending my time listening to my music and reading some books I brought with me. 

Jack suddenly came in and sat next to me. 

“Hey,” I greeted, setting my book down. 


I smiled and something caught my eye. 

“Are you bleeding?” I asked while grabbing his hand to look at his knuckles. 

He pulled his hand away and shrugged. 

What if?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat