What if? (2)

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“I wont ever get to see him again. Will I?” I asked. 

“Yes you will.. Just not as soon as you might hope,” 

“I love him. I never got to tell him..” 

This brought on more pain. Pain for not realizing this sooner. 


I wandered through the forest aimlessly, trying to think clearly. 

Eddie was very helpful, but I needed alone time now. 

Something moved ten feet or so from me, making me jump. 

“Chill out, its just me,” A girl said softly. 

“Who are you?” I demanded. 

“My name is Noel.” 

I finally saw her. She was beautiful, very beautiful. She had long silky white hair that was dragging behind her. And a long flowing white dress was fit her small frame. 

Her eyes were wide and bright blue with silvery flecks in them. Her skin was pale and practically porcelain looking. 

“You are awfully sad Samantha,” She commented. 

“How? Are you an angel?” I asked randomly. 

“Yes. Now why so sad Sammy?” 

“I’m dead?” I said stupidly. 

“Why yes you are. But that’s not something to be sad about. No more pain! No more drama. You have finished that life. Now onto a better place!” 

“I’m leaving the ones I love behind,” 

“Like your mom.. And of course Jack.” 

I stared at her surprised. Why should I be? 

“Yes..” I said sadly. 

“Too bad you couldn’t just go back,” She laughed loudly. 

“Yeah. Too bad.” I started walking again, away from her. 

I could hear the shuffling of leaves as she followed me. 

I’m not sure how long we had been walking, because here, the time stands still practically. 

She only said a few words as we walked, but otherwise was quiet. 

“Is Jack still alive?” I asked randomly. 

“Yes.” She replied. 

I nodded. Happy with the answer. But what if he’s in pain?

“You’re making me sad,” Noel muttered. 


“You’re so dreary and all doom-and-gloom,” 

“I’m dead. How else am I supposed to act?” 

She shrugged her small shoulders and kept walking. 

“Follow me.” She said in a serious tone that startled me. 

She snatched my arm and started dragging me behind her. She was practically running, and I was surprised by her sudden mood change. From calm and sarcastic, to serious and hostel.

She stopped in front of a beautiful crystal clear pond and let go of me. 

“Get in!” She demanded. “Before I change my mind!” 

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