(part 2) What if? (1)

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{Prologue of What if? Part 2}  

It all happened so quick that I barely had time to blink. I saved him. And it cost me more then I just my life before all of this.

He is alive. 

I closed my eyes so I wouldn’t see what was about to happen. I mean, if a train were coming at you, would you want to see it coming? Or just let it be quick? 

But this is no train.

I don’t regret this moment. I don’t regret anything. I love you Jack. 




Tomorrow is the big day. The day I get to use my newly learned skills to fight my own kind to save a planet I once hated. 

But its Jack’s planet. I will do my best to get it back 

“So why did you change your mind?” I asked him casually. 

Jack looked at me from the corner of his eye then looked back down at the suitcase he was packing. 

“Because you will do something stupid and probably find a way on our ship,” He answered. 

“You’re bringing me to keep an eye on me? I don’t need a babysitter Jack,” 

“I beg to differ.” 

I didn’t say anything after that, because arguing with Jack is useless. He left the room to put the stuff in the car. My stuff was already packed and ready. 

He came back into the room with an intense thinking face on. 

“How about if I drop you off at your mom’s house?” He asked. 

This was a major shock. I blinked several times, stunned that he would say that. I mean, he is willing to drop me off at my mom’s house, just so I wouldn’t go.

But then my head was spinning with thoughts. 

Why is he that willing? Is he worried that it would be dangerous for me? I mean, if its that’s dangerous for me, then it will be for him as well. 

And I’ll see my mom again right? I know I will. 

I felt the need to protect Jack. Even if he doesn’t need it. 

“I’ll see her when we get back.” I said and left the room. 

I took a shower and thought about how I will handle things tomorrow. I’m not too worried about myself. 

After a shower and eating supper, I went to bed. Jack still mumbled his offer under his breath, at least three times. 

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