2. Saving Damsels in Distress is My Job

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I kept my face buried in my school schedule as I slowly made my way to my locker. I intended to have this thing memorized by first period...well at least that was the plan, had it not have been for the unfortunate existence of other fellow humans.

As I was looking over my 5th period, I felt myself collide with someone as I fell backwards towards the floor - sending all my papers from my organized folder flying.

Closing my eyes, I braced myself for a harsh landing. I let out a startled scream, (expecting to feel a thud on the cold marble floor) as a pair of strong arms caught my fall.

"Watch it!" an irritated voice snapped as I opened my eyes to see the person who bumped into me. He was wearing a football jersey, no doubt on the school team and a typical arrogant jock, judging by his response and whole demeanor. "Idiot," he muttered as he rolled his eyes and picked up his books on the ground.

"Hey man, cut her some slack. It's her first day."

This new voice came from behind me as I realized it was the person who caught my fall. I heard the jock continue to mutter "whatever" as he got up and left. By this time my "rescuer" turned in front of me to my direction.

"No need to thank me, saving damsels in distress is my job." Cocking his head up, he flashed me a half grin. Was this where I was supposed to swoon? I had to keep myself from rolling my eyes.

"Wasn't planning on it," I replied in my usual sarcastic self as I bent down to gather my scattered papers.

His smug grin fell as I picked up my things and started to walk away.

Immediately, I heard footsteps behind me as Mr. Smolder here reappeared by my side.

"You weren't planning on saying thank you to your rescuer?" he asked, sounding amazed.

I hardly looked up from my schedule I was yet again trying to memorize as I responded with hardly any interest. I had a bad feeling there was no shaking this guy off, at least not easily. "Not when they clearly don't need another reason to think any higher of themselves. Besides," I continued as I looked down the hall for my locker. "I hardly needed 'rescuing.'"

He put a hand up to his heart, faking insult. "I resent the fact you think you know me so well as to think I'm conceited - even if I am pretty awesome."

I rolled my eyes as I replied sarcastily through a grin. "So sorry to have hurt your feelings, uh.."

"Griffin," he smirked. "And apology accepted."

Assuming our pointless conversation was over (and seeing as his general cockiness and persistence was starting to annoy me), I took a turn down the next hallway as my locker came into view. Unfortunately, he followed me down there, too.

"So, Miss Independent who doesn't need any rescuing - you have a name?"

I didn't want to be rude, but I really just wanted to walk away. Well, technically I was - he just happened to be following me as he for some reason was interacting with me. Just what I need, I mentally snorted. Another guy in my life.

"Does it matter?" I replied with the same uninterest as before. I'd like to add here I'm not always this impolite. But when it comes to guys, I just have been fed up them that I really don't need another in my life, especially arrogant ones. Plus, it's the morning, so cut me some slack if I'm cranky. 

He furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"It's not like you're gonna care to remember it. Besides, you shouldn't waste your time getting close to me."

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