Mouse trap

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Dawn was tied to something with a bag over her head. She did not understand why she was put there. She could not even remember being taken. She struggled and struggled to try to get out of this fix she was in but could not budge.

Suddenly a man said, "Stop moving, and I'll untie you."

She stopped but feared what this person would do to her. Was he there to do something terrible to her? She would fight that much, she was sure. Finally, her hands were untied, and she pulled the bag off her head. She saw four guys staring at her. She gazed around at the men and then around the room. The room they were in had no way out but one way. Looking down this hallway, she could see weird things on the hallway walls that she did not understand what it was. Dawn approached the hallway, and one of the guys grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Don't try to go down that way. It's rigged with traps. You can clearly see that by the walls, I don't know what kind of traps, but I do know that it is probably dangerous," he told her.

Dawn wished to understand why they were put there. It made no sense to her. She never did anything wrong in her life to deserve this. "Why are we here?" she asked.

"I don't know. I don't think anyone knows we are here either," another guy uttered.

"Well, we can't stay here forever. We will have to figure out how to get out of here," Dawn said. She did think it was crazy to stay. They would starve to death. Yet trying to outsmart traps would not be easy. But she did think they could try something.

"And how do you suppose to get past the traps?" a third guy asked. He was not convinced that they would not all die if they tried.

Dawn thought a bit about it. There had to be a method. After some thought, she came up with an idea. She took her sock off and threw it in the hallway. Abruptly fire came out and burnt the sock to a crisp. "Well, now we know what the first trap is. Maybe we can figure a way around it," she said. It did look like the fire was only straight on, which meant they might be able to go under it.

She did think that they could do this each time and figure how to get around the trap. Looking down the hallway, she could see outside, so the end was not far. There had to be like three of four traps total. She did not think there could be anymore.

As she began to step forward to try to go around the fire trap, a deep voice spoke, which stopped her in her tracks.

"Do be careful, my precious things. Not all is what it seems," the deep voice uttered.

Dawn could not believe that some guy, the killer, was watching them. How else would he have known that she was walking toward the traps? And her next question would be why he said what he did to them? What was not like it seemed? This worried her.

"Fuck you," one guy said to the mystery voice. "When I get out of here, I'll come for you and see how you like it."

"You should not aggravate the guy. He clearly is insane, and who knows what he will do to us if you make him angry," another guy told him.

"I don't care if I get him angry. This lunatic has no reason to do this to us," the first guy said.

As if the second guy predicted it, the wall behind them began to move, pushing them forward towards the trap. Now they had no choice but to go through the traps.

"Now, see what you did," a third guy uttered.

Dawn thought that these boys were being stupid. As always, she would be the problem solver. This was what she did her entire life; solve everyone's problems. She would do it now again. She walked over to the first trap. Bending down low, she crawled her way to the next set trap. She stood up in the small space that was in between the traps. She was glad there was a space. This would give her time to figure out the next trap.

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