Chapter 13

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A/N - Thank you for 1,000 reads! It means the world to me :) let me know what else you want to see from me❤️enjoy the chapter...

Sky and I both jumped as he slammed the door behind him.

She quickly removed herself from my body and sat down next to me on the sofa.
Jon looked from me, to Sky and me again. He didn't say anything, just stared.

Sky and I looked at each other and started to smile and laugh.

"What?!" Jon said. "I walk in to you too getting all cozy and what am I supposed to do?" he chucked.

Sky and I both shrug at him and smile.

"So, what's the deal then?" he asks.

Sky looked at me to start this particular conversation. I nod and begin.

"So, we kind of hit it off in Monaco and ended up getting together a couple of times back home. But obviously, seeing as we are both drivers, we decided to keep this a secret. We have both only told two people. Stupidly, I decided to tell Daniel, but he hasn't told anyone yet. That I'm aware of!" I laugh.

Jon sits down on the massage table.

"So, is this something I need to keep secret then, or can I shout it from the rooftops?"

"Well, Jon, you must keep this strictly secret until we decide to go public." I add.

He nods, "Okay. Deal. So, seeing as I am clearly interrupting something, I am going to leave and I will call you later Lando."

I nod as he looks at me. He opens the door, smiles at Sky and walks out.

"Okay, so that went better than expected." Sky said to me. I nodded in agreement at her.

"So, can we carry on?"

"Yes we can." I reply and Sky once again, placed herself on my lap and interlocked her lips with mine.



"So, we are back here in the commentary box. It's me, Martin Brundle here with my friend David Croft. Qualifying is now underway as the cars leave the pit lane.

We all can expect a good result today from Max Verstappen in the Red Bull, alongside his rookie teammate Sky Morgan, who has already set amazing lap times in both free practises yesterday.


Thirty minutes in and Valtteri Bottas currently holds P1 with Max in 2nd and Sky Morgan in 3rd! Daniel Ricciardo is in fourth and Lando Norris in fifth. McLaren will be very pleased with this result. The Williams of Lewis Hamilton may be in the running in the points start tomorrow too; with a lap placing him P10 currently.


With five minutes to go, the last couple of cars are rounding off their final laps, Sky Morgan set a flying lap and will be starting pole after Valtteri Bottas' lap got deleted due to track limits. The McLaren's have both moved up with Max staying P2. Bottas is now in P7 behind Charles Leclerc's Ferrari.

And there goes the Alfa Romeo of Kimi Raikonnen as the final car to cross the line, placing him 14th on tomorrow's grid.

"Yes! Freaking pole position. Get in there lads." I scream down my radio after qualifying.

My race engineer, Adrian, replied, "Yes Sky! What a cracking lap!"

I internally scream as I think about myself starting on the start of the grid tomorrow. I rounded up my in lap and pulled the car back into the pits.

I jumped out my car as Adrian and Christian walk over. Christian gives me a fist bump first.
"Well done Sky! That was fabulous! You and Max on the first row tomorrow."

I smiled brightly and got a high five from Adrian and saw Max in the background talking to Gianpiero, his engineer.

I walk on over to him, "Hey Max. Good job today!"

He chuckled. "Yeah, whatever. You crushed it out there though. Gotta hand it to you!"

I blushed and smiled at him. I've always liked Max, he's just such a nice, generous person. Him and Kelly are just perfect for each other.

"Well, I'm gonna go change. I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, bye Sky."

I walked off to my room and closed the door. I flung myself on my couch and pulled off my race boots.

As normal, changed into my gear and headed to the media pen for some post-quali interviews.

"So, Sky, you are on pole tomorrow here in Baku. Are you looking forward to hopefully leading the race and have you got any strategies to last the full length?" asked a blonde haired woman.

"Well. Yes, I am starting on pole and I am hoping to have a good lead against the others. Obviously I have Max behind me so I need to keep my pace up. And I can't let anything slip so you'll have to wait and see!" I reply.

The reporter nods and I move on to the next interviewer.

"Sky, being the only female driver, do you think your fellow drivers feel embarrassed that you beat them in quali today?"

I stop and think. "Um, I don't know. I wouldn't know either because I'm not them. Today we just were on an extremely good run. But I'm not going to apologise for getting pole. Just because I'm a woman does not mean I am not as good as them."

The gentlemen nods and we walk out of the media pen. I notice Lando with Jon and he spots me too.

We both smile at each other and he winks. I obviously blush.

Once the interviews had finished and the day was over, I headed back to the hotel and decided to take a shower.

I yanked off my clothes, threw them on the bed, grabbed a towel and turned on the hot tap.

I let the warmth of the water run through my hair and traipse down the curves of my body. My soapy shampoo suds ran down my back as I rinsed it out.

I finished up in my shower and wrapped my towel around my body just as I hear the door knock.

"Hang on." I ran over and peeked through the peep hole.

I opened the door to two of my new favourite people: Daniel and Lando!

one more race// l. norrisWhere stories live. Discover now