Chapter 41

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So I'm 5 days into my covid isolation and I'm so bored :/

--however, I am going to be broke after this because I keep buying things🤣

enjoy the chapter and stay safe xXx


"Okay Sky. Let's have a cracking race!" cheered Adrian down the radio.

"Yes, let's." I replied. Nervous to begin, I shuffled in my seat. Only to realise the seatbelts were so tight I couldn't. Ah well. We were just starting the formation lap, I had high hopes for this race. Especially since I was starting P4. There was a chance of a podium, and I really needed that right now. Not only to boost my place in the championship, but to boost my own morale. 

All twenty of us drivers were now on the grid. Waiting for those lights to go out felt like a lifetime. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... lights out. 

We were off in Turkey. George had managed to snatch pole this weekend off Max, and he was determined to get it back. Carlos had managed to put his red Ferrari in third. Going into the first corner, which happened to be a hard left hander, Max was pushing George in front, and I was coming alongside Sainz. The last thing I wanted to do was crash, but still, I went for the move, and bloody hell did I pull it off. I came out the corner with a car length between us. P3. All I needed to do was hold the position. 

George was still in front of Max but there was not much of a gap, I was worried that there was going to be a repeat of Silverstone 2021, or Monza. Only chaos could be said about those races. We rounded the final corner, we had completed the first lap, phew.

Unfortunately, my predictions were right, as going into the first corner, the two championship contenders collided. I don't know who was at fault, but all I saw were the backs of George and Max' cars going round in circles. "Aid, what happened? Are they okay?" 

If you couldn't tell already, I am close with both George and Max. George being my only real friend through karting, and Max being my teammate. 

"Uh, both drivers are okay, Max' seatbelt is stuck, he can't get out of the car just yet. George is fine. I'm not quite sure what happened, I think George turned in on Max. We'll have to look at the replays."

"Okay, copy.", was all I said. It hadn't hit me that I was P1. P1! Holy shit, I'm leading the race. I kept my head down, Carlos tried the undercut but I wouldn't have it. I pushed on my in lap and managed to close the gap so I came out the pits before he even reached the line. I was 8 seconds ahead of him, impressive. I'm not sure who is behind Carlos though. I pushed all the way over the line, every single lap. I was determined to get this win, plus, I had completely forgotten that today was my 21st birthday. 

The only thing that pulled me out of my trance was Adrian, "Last lap Sky. Last lap." 

I smashed my thumb on the 'OK' button to let the pitwall know I received the message. I put my head down once again and drove the last lap of my life. I rounded the final corner and crossed the line. "Congrats Sky! You are the winner of the Turkish Grand Prix. Happy birthday!" cheered Aid down the radio. 

I was out of breath, I couldn't believe what had just happened. "YES! YES! YES! Oh my GOD. Thank you guys, so so much. Everyone at the factory, we all deserve this after the past races. Happy 21st birthday to me!" I finished, waving at fans as I drove my in lap. "Aid, what the finishing result?" 

"You P1. Sainz P2, Danny Ric was P3, Lando 4th, Charles 5th and Pierre Gasly was in sixth. Valtteri was seventh." 

"Okay, cheers." I replied, putting my car into parc ferme. I undid my seatbelt and balanced myself on my halo. Throwing my hands in the air. The crowd cheered for me as I did so, I needed this boost today, and it couldn't have come at a better time. 

I ran straight into the crowd of the Red Bull mechanics, jumping into their outstretched arms. They were all smashing the top of my helmet. I also managed to find Jules and Holly in that crowd, giving them their individual hugs. I walked over to get weighed and took my helmet off, Carlos then approached me with open arms. I hugged him back contently. "Congrats Sky. You deserve this win." 

"Gracias Carlos, well done on your P2! A long time coming." I congratulated him back. The Spaniard smiled and turned to walk away as a beaming Aussie faced me. 

I scoffed, "Well well well. If it isn't the Sky/Daniel duo decking it out on the podium!" 

"Wheyyy! Next weeks party is gonna be immense, so is this podium!" Daniel exclaimed. I was very much looking forward to this podium. 

My body was soon engulfed in two arms, I turned around to face the Brit as he placed a passionate kiss on my lips. "Congratulations baby, you deserve this so much. Happy birthday." 

"Aww thanks Lan. I wish you were on the podium with me." I whispered, so only he could hear. 

He chuckled, "I love you." 

"I love you even more Lando Norris."

We let go of each other and we headed up for the podium. As race winner, my name was the last called. I ran out onto the podium, waving at the fans and the team. I spotted Lando in the crowd as well, but he was with the McLaren mechanics. I was presented with my trophy and held it high above my head as the team cheered and clapped below. I was elated. I was practically glowing. My face ached from smiling, but I couldn't care less. The British national anthem was played. I sang along proudly to the song of my home country. Then, the confetti was set off and champagne was sprayed. I slammed my bottle onto the ground and it erupted into the sky. Daniel and Carlos both drowned me in champagne, but I only did the same to them. All until Daniel came over to Carlos and I, "You two are shoey virgins. Its time to change that!".

A develish smile plastered across his face, Carlos and I looked at each other. This was going to be fun. Danny removed both of his shoes. Great. One each. He filled them both up, and handed them to Carlos and I. We looked at each other and raised our eyebrows. Daniel then started chanting, "Drink! Drink! Drink!" and everyone was soon chanting 'drink' at the Spaniard and I. We did a quick cheers with the shoes and drank from Daniel's shoe. It was unpleasant, that's a fact. 

"Virgins no more!" I shouted after finishing the boot of champagne. Carlos and Danny laughed. 

After the podium celebrations, everyone dispersed back to the garage's and I headed to the media pen. Interviews were boring, but standard. Not much I can do about them, but I was in a much cheerier mood this time around.

one more race// l. norrisWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt