Chapter 20

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"How could I forget that infamous day in my room relaxed on my couch with a lovely cold beer." Dan chuckled.

"Aww, love you Dan." I smiled back at him.

He pulled me into a tight embrace and squeezed me.

"Uh Dan, I can't breathe mate."

He let go, "Oh sorry Sky. Right, I'm off to get a cup of something cold and strong." He stuck his nose in the air and walked back inside to the kitchen.


Max decided to then join us in the little huddle. I looked over to the speakers and lights, because it was 6:30, it wasn't dark yet, but the lights were still visible, to see Lando relaxing next to his laptop, which was connected to my speakers.

We caught each others eyes and smiled at each other, he then winked at me across the garden. I smiled and blushed, staring at the ground.

Only a couple of months ago, we barely knew each other, and now we are dating, not girlfriend and boyfriend, just a pair of teenager trying to find love within this world. Nothing more, nothing less.

The party was great, we all drank and ate and had a laugh. I loved it, we all did and it was a great way to celebrate my first win.

Almost everyone had gone home at this point. Charles and Charlotte were staying in my spare room before heading back to Monte-Carlo tomorrow morning.

Lando and I were in my bed, snuggled up watching Netflix.

"Hey, Sky?"


"Can I ask you something?"

"Yes, Lando, what it is?" I asked.

"Okay, so I'm just gonna shoot my shot here. We have been dating for a while now and I am hopefully feeling like this is a mutual thing we have going on right now. So, Sky Morgan, will you perhaps be my like, uh, girlfriend?"

He looked at me with his blue eyes and smiled.

"Yes, yes I will be your girlfriend." I giggled. I launched myself onto Lando and gave him a massive hug. He returned the favour with passionately kissing my lips.

"Good, because I have something to commemorate the occasion." He smiled and reached over to his bedside table.

He pulled out a long black box and handed it to me.

I slowly took the top off to reveal a gold necklace. It had a customised charm on it which had Lando's name on it.

"Oh my... wow Lando. It's beautiful. Will you?" I gestured for him to put it on me.
I turned around and lifted my hair up. He clipped the necklace together and turned me around again.

"I have a bracelet with your name on to match." He showed me his bracelet and locked eyes with me.

I pressed another kiss to his lips and I could feel him smiling against my lips.

I was happy. I never thought my job could get any better, but it clearly can. But the best thing is, I am in love.

I am in love with Lando Norris.

"I love you Lando."

"I love you too Sky, always and forever."


We spent the previous evening snuggling up and watching films. Lando and I both set alarms for 7:30 because we were taking Charles and Charlotte to the airport before we headed to our factories.

They didn't know Lando and I were a thing, but they knew we were close and he was 'staying over on my couch'.

"Morning guys." I said as I walked into the kitchen.

Charles and Charlotte had put their bags in the hallway and Lando and the couple were drinking some tea.

"Okay Sky, I need some of these tea bags. They do not make tea like this in Monaco." Charlotte laughed.

"Haha! Here I've got a spare box of teabags in my cupboard."

I walk over to one of my cupboards and open it. Inside it is filled with different tea bags from different brands. PG Tips, Yorkshire Tea, Northumberland Tea (my favourite) and other small brands.

"Take your pick!" I gestured.

Lando erupted into laughter, "Jesus Sky."

Everyone started giggling and I blushed, "What? I like tea. I'm British so what can you expect?"

"Fair enough" Lando replied.

Charlotte took a box of PG Tips and we all clambered into my car, unfortunately we had to take my sensible car, which was only a BMW 1 Series in white.

Lando drove with Charles in the passenger seat and Charlotte and I in the back.

I connected my phone to the car and started to play some proper British tunes.

I was surprised when Charles and Charlotte knew some of them and we were all singing along.

Once we had dropped them off and said our goodbyes, I got into the passenger seat and Lando drove us home.

We both got changed into our team gear, got into our own cars, said goodbye and drive to our factories. I was in Milton Keynes. He was in Woking.

"Hello Sky." came a voice from behind me as I walked into the factory.

"Oh hey Jules! How are you?"

"I'm good thanks Sky. Ready for some sim work today?"

"Yes I am. Paul Ricard here we come! Is Holly here?"

"Yes she is, she's in her office, I have to go but I'll see you later Sky."

"Bye Jules!" and I waved her off.

I walked up to the first floor to find Holly's office. Even as my trainer she was lucky enough to get a spare office.

"Hey Hol. How are you doing?"

"I'm good thank you Sky. I saw everyone's instagram stories about last night."

"What? I haven't seen them yet." I replied and pulled my phone out.

Funnily enough, most people who came last night posted something in their feed or their story.

Daniel had posted a photo of me and him fairly drunk on my patio dancing to a song with the LED lights shining on us.

Carlos had posted a photo on his story of me and him doing the Macarena.

Max and Lewis both put a little video on their stories, mainly just us all dancing.

Alex, Charles, Charlotte, George and Lando had all posted the group photo we had taken at the end of the night before everyone left.

I smiled so much my mouth ached. I commented on the posts and replied to the story's and almost started crying. I don't know why but I did.

"So, Sky? Are we ready to get you on the sim?"

(A/N - Sorry I didn't upload yesterday! I went out with my friends to watch the england game🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿! )

enjoy the chapter and stay safe xXx

one more race// l. norrisWhere stories live. Discover now