Chapter 46

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After telling Christian I had made my decision, he told me he wanted for me to discuss it with him in person, so he is yet to know what my decision is. 

It was now 9am and I headed for the shower, I was in no rush to get to the factory today as I wasn't even meant to be there. It's Max' day on the sim, not mine. But still, I got myself dressed and decided I was going to be cheeky and get a MacDonalds breakfast. I deserved it after all this stress and pressure.  

My outfit for the day was some blue wide leg jeans, a cute red top and my white Alexander McQueens, I grabbed a jacket out of my cupboard and headed to the door. After grabbing my keys, I locked the house and jumped into my car. Starting the engine was sweet, sweet music. I headed towards the Milton Keynes road, luckily, the MacDonalds drive thru was on that very road. 

I got the MacDonalds, and one of the workers recognised me so we took a quick photo before I left. I headed on the 30 minute drive to the factory. 

I arrived at 10am, pulling into the front car park. After heading into the factory and speaking to Lilly on reception, Horner appeared and directed me to his office. 

This very office was where I signed my Red Bull contract almost a year ago, it was late November they had me signed. 

"So, Sky, what decision have you ultimately made?" he questioned, getting comfortable again in his chair. 

I shuffled in my seat, "Yes. I have made the decision to no longer pursue my career in Formula One." I paused, but quickly continued before Christian could say anything, "I spoke to Catherine Bond Muir in Austin, she offered me a spot in the W Series next year. I had a long, hard think about it. I spoke to my friends, and they are supporting me no matter what I choose." 

Christian sighed, "Is there a reason why you chose to go with the W Series?" 

I nodded, "Yes. There is several reasons, one my gender. As you know, I get a shit ton of stick for being a woman and loads of people really seem to have a problem with me, and my vagina. Second, the pressure. The pressure that comes with being a driver, not only the stress on my mind. But the stress on my body with flying from country to country, flying through hundreds of time zones a week. I'm never home, always away. My friends have all lost contact with me apart from two, all of my other friends are in the paddock. My social life is slim to none and its just getting a bit too much." 

I was almost in tears but managed to hold it in. Christian just sat there nodding. "I understand Sky. 100%. Are there any other reasons you no longer want to driver for us? Are you sure W Series is the right place for you?" 

"No. I just think I will be happier racing against other women, in equal cars, equal engines, in a more stable environment where we don't travel as much as F1." 

Christian nodded, "Okay. I understand. I want you to know, everyone here at Red Bull will miss you ever so dearly. Especially Max, Adrian and I. You really were a breath of fresh air around here. But we still have five races left to go, Mexico, Brazil, Quatar, Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi. Lets focus our minds on those races. We still need to keep fighting for wins and podiums in order to win the WDC and Constructors." 

I nodded back at Horner, "Yes. I totally agree, we still have a championship to win. And I am still dedicated to this team. And I want to say thank you, thank you for giving me the chance of a lifetime. I have never appreciated anything more."

Christian stood up and walked around his desk, " No, it was an honour to be able to represent you in your rookie season. We are eternally grateful that you even accepted our offer. We knew some other teams were sniffing around in your area. We are just thankful you chose us."

I stood up and we embraced in a hug, "Oh before I leave, what are we going to do about the media?" 

"Ahh yes. Your best friends." he chuckled, "We will release it to the press once you have officially signed your W Series contract. We will also make sure we tell them it was your choice to leave, and we didn't kick you out. Though I'm sure those rumours will still float up." 

"Thank you. I'll let you know when Catherine and I are next meeting." 

Horner nodded again, "Okay. Thank you, again, Sky."

I smiled, opened his door and headed towards Max' office. After reaching it, I knocked on the door. I heard a grunt come from the inside and opened to door. Max was sat on his computer evaluating data with his race engineer, Gianpiero. 

"Sky, hi. Come on in." he gestured, mainly to the sofa on his left. 

I closed the door and headed towards the seat. "GP do you mind if we finish this later?" the Dutchman asked. 

GP, his race engineer, nodded and grabbed his tablet, and he headed out. Max looked over at me, "What can I do for you Sky? It's not very often you knock at my door." 

I chuckled, "No, um I have some news. I'm leaving." 

"Leaving?" he asked. A concerned look on his face, "Wha- why?" 

"I've been approached by the W Series, I have decided to go with them. Because it will be more healthy and enjoyable for me. The stress is just too high in F1, plus, I won't be ridiculed for my gender if I race against other women." I finished. 

Max sat there, he didn't say much, just nodded. "I agree. It will be fun for you I think, I take it Christian knows." 

"Yes, I told him before I came to you. He agreed with me and is fully supporting my decision. We are telling the media once I have signed with the W Series, unless someone leaks it of course. Which they will. But, we still have a few races so lets get this Constructors and WDC." I smiled, still dedicated to this team. I'm not a W Series driver yet. 

Max and I finished our conversation and then I headed to my own office, only down the hall from Max'. I made the decision to email Catherine straight away from there. It was best that we could get this done quicker. Then I don't have to worry about getting signed. 

Dear Catherine, 

               I have decided to accept your offer to join the W Series for next season. I have spoken with Christian Horner and he is willing to let me go. He believes this is the right decision for me and wants to support me in making it. 

I would love to meet with you whenever you have space in your diary to get this contract sorted, if you are willing to still offer me the contract. 

Thank you very much, 

        Sky Morgan

         Red Bull Racing

And with that, I closed my laptop. Grabbed my car keys and headed out of the factory, deciding to drive to Lando's for a change. 

ahhhh. big changes! you guys are not prepared for the next few chapters :)

hope you enjoyed the chapter and stay safe xXx

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