Chapter 38

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hey guys! happy tuesday🤍
— not much to update but it's my birthday on sunday, how old do you think i am? 😏


"Hey Adrian!"

The tall gentleman turned around, "Hey Sky, ready to crush quali?"

I smiled at him, "Hell yes.". Adrian talked me through some of the things we needed to push during quali, along with where we are predicted to finish. The aim for me is third. I jumped into the car, I was eager to prove the bitches wrong. To quote Danny, I was ready to fuck shit up!

I got the all clear to head out for my first run, Q1. I started my flying lap. A nice P5.

Q2. Into the first chicane I locked up a bit, but I shouldn't lose too much time. I absolutely smashed it through Sector 2. Keeping my P5 into Q3.

Q3. Let's fucking go. First chicane was smooth. So were the first corners. Second chicane, smooth like butter, third chicane? I flew over it with style. Riding the kerbs just right. I sent it into the last corner, lucky for me, there was an Alfa Romeo in front of me, so I hooked into his slipstream. Heading for the line, my foot was flat on the floor. "P2! What a run!" cheered Aid. Yes! Let's go! I deserve this.
"Congratulations Sky. You deserve this one.". It was Christian. He never comes on the radio in quali. It was nice to hear his voice, he was really the only one who knew about the abuse I had been getting.

After doing the media, I joined Lando in the journey back to the hotel. I was excited for tomorrow. It was going to be fun! Lando was P9. I knew he was disappointed but he could make up places easy tomorrow.

We went to bed at nine, Lando could tell I was looking forward to Monza! I mean, who doesn't?


Here we go. Sunday morning. Let's have them!

I was driving the lap to the grid, we still had 30 minutes until the race start. I was heading into the last chicane when I heard a snap. SHIT. "Christian? What was that?"

"Uhhh, hang on we are checking now. Ahh shit. Something has happened with the downforce and rear wings. Don't worry we can fix it."

"Good.", a sigh of relief washed over me, well it did for a second.

"Uh Sky?"

"Yes Aid?"

"It's actually quite a big problem. We can fix it don't worry, but it does mean a pit lane start.", he almost whispered the end bit.

I was livid. "What? What do you mean a pit lane start? You have to be fucking kidding me right!". The blood in my body was boiling.

"I'm sorry Sky. We have to replace the rear wing essentially. Gearbox could also be damaged from debris." were the words to fall from his mouth over the radio. I didn't say anything else. I pulled into the pit lane and got into the garage. After getting out the car, I didn't say a word until I got into my driver room. A familiar face was sat on my sofa. I reached out for his safe arms and was engulfed in a hug.

"Oh Sky. I'm sorry. I know how bad you wanted to prove everyone wrong. I've been hearing about what people have said about you. You don't deserve this." he pulled me close to his chest. I let out a cry. I sat on his lap for a good five minutes before getting up to change out of my race suit.

I changed in front of him, he was hypnotised by his phone anyways. "Thank you Joe." I said.

He looked up, "No, no. It's okay. When Auntie Sophie told me you had been getting grief I thought it was best to come and see you. Holly snuck me in here."

I smiled at him, pulling on my shirt, "Joe, you really are the best cousin ever."

"I know, I know." he scoffed. Rolling his eyes at the same time. I just laughed and kicked his feet. Joe and I grew up together when I moved in with my Auntie. He is the same age as me, we had always been close. Especially when we visited each other as kids. It was a nice surprise to see him here.

"Oh also Joe. I'm having a party for my birthday soon. You already know you are invited, you can crash at mine and Landos place."

His eyebrows raised.


"You and Norris, heh? Tell me about it. I obvs already knew but come on, you need to give me some detail!".

I sat myself back on the sofa now that I was changed. "There's nothing to tell. He's great, I love him. We basically live together but I still have my house in Aylesbury for when I'm at the factory. You need to meet him!"

Joe nodded at me, "Yes. I do!". I smiled to myself again, tying up my shoe laces. I said a brief goodbye to Joe and headed back out. I tried to plaster a smile on my face for the media as I walked to the garage.

A random interviewer approached me, "What are your plans for the race?"

"Uh, overtake. Gain a load of places. Push for the points, potentially a podium but that would be unlikely." I could see Jules just behind me too.

The interviewer nodded again, "Yep. Okay. I'll let you carry on preparing."

"Thanks.". I nodded at the man and headed out of the interview pen, Jules looked a bit confused at me. "He just walked up to me. I thought it would be rude to ignore him."

"Okay. Let's head back to your room, you can warm up with Holly and then we can get started.", she said, walking alongside me as we headed for the paddock again.


"It's light out and away we go here in Monza, the temple of speed!".

The first lap was rough. I had to catch up to the pack after my pit lane start. By Lap 2 I had managed to catch them up. I overtook the back markers, Mazepin, Latifi, Schumacher too. He put up a half decent fight tho. I also managed to snub Tsunoda and Giovinazzi. In fact, come lap 23, I had overtaken everyone up to P8. I had Danny, Lando, Charles, Carlos, George, Valtteri and Max in front. Daniel was hard to overtake. I felt bad for passing him, but then came Lando. Lando always put up a fight. He definitely did with me. Even though we are together, he doesn't let our relationship effect our racing career. He put up a pretty strong fight. But with the help of DRS, I managed to get him into the chicane at turn one. From there onwards, the race was very calm and collected. Lando tried to go for it again but quickly pulled back when he realised he wouldn't make it to the end of the race otherwise. I came home P6. With Max taking the win. I have to be honest, from the pit lane to P6. I was pretty pleased. I wish I could've done better, but I guess that's still some decent points.


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