Chapter 52

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After finishing my interview with Natalie and many others just like hers, I finally crashed out in Max' driver room. I couldn't use mine because Liam Lawson was using mine this weekend seeing as he was replacing me.

Liam was a good driver, but he has a lot of pressure on him to do well. I know he's desperate for an F1 seat. He's done very well in his other categories. But I know more than anyone, getting to F1 is hard, and stressful.

Bradley Scanes, Max' trainer, walked in, "Oh, hello Sky. Sorry to interrupt. Just grabbing Max some stuff. I can come back later."

"No no no. Its Max' room. He said I could chill out in here because I don't have a drivers room this week. Liam is using mine. Grab whatever you want." I replied.

Bradley's face had a wave of realisation, "Ohhh yeah. Sorry about that, and your ankle. I saw the crash, it looked rough."

"It felt rough!" I chuckled, "But I'm alright now. Should be good to go for next weekend anyway."

"Thats good news. I am crossing my fingers it heals well for you, and in good time. Thanks Sky, I'll speak to you later."

I smiled and he walked out, leaving me alone with my thoughts once more on Max' sofa. Max' room was quite boring. He had no posters, pictures, nothing. I always have pictures, posters, fans gifts in there, to be reminded of my friends and I would say family, but my biological family don't speak to me anymore.

I was overjoyed when Lando phoned me and said he was leaving, I immediately hopped down the stairs of the motorhome with the help of GP, and then walked out to meet Lando. We clambered into the McLaren that Lando has a rental almost every race week. No matter where we are in the world. My crutches got in the way a bit but it was fine. I was grateful when we reached the elevator and I didn't have to clamber up anymore stairs. I swiped our key card over the door handle and we entered our very nice room, white sheets, massive windows - luxury in a room.

Time had passed, we had eaten and were lay in bed. "Lando?"

"Yes baby."

"Can we go for a drive?"

"A drive?" the Brit turned to face me.

"Yeah. A drive. Like where I sit in the passenger seat, you drive, I put some great music on, you drive super fast whilst singing along. You know, a drive." I explained.

Lan chuckled, "Yes we can go on a drive. But next time, you can drive. We will do it every weekend, if we have a rental car."

"Deal!" I smiled, pulling my Air Forces on with my joggers and hoodie, grabbing my phone and crutches.

"Don't worry about your crutches, they get in the way. I'll carry you to the car and elevator. Its 8pm so I doubt anyone will be around. The paps won't be anyways."

I agreed to this interesting way of getting me to the car, and we headed into the corridor. Luckily we didn't see anyone there. Or in the hotel lobby, until we got to the car garage, where there were two older men, both with cameras, sat eating burritos off the back of a pickup truck.

"Head down, don't talk. Hood up." whispered Lando.

As he was bridal carrying me to his car, I put both his and my, hoods up and tucked my face into his hoodie. We made it to the car and he lowered me in. After he got in, and turned the engine on, the roar got the paps looking. They immediately looked over and recognised us. They both grabbed there cameras and ran towards the car. Lando pulled out of the space so quick we got wheel spin and left tyre track marks on the concrete. They snapped a few shots as we left the parking garage. Oh well, I don't care. Its not as if we are doing anything illegal.

I begun the journey with some Ariana Grande, which turned into Billie Eilish. Lando didn't have a clue where he was going so we were just following the roads. We got to a road that was almost empty, it looked to be a highway, so I had windows down blasting Lovers on the Sun by David Guetta, what a tune. Lando was also singing along. It was brilliant. Two of us just driving, aimlessly, into the middle of nowhere, with no destination. Lando stopped on a bridge going over the top of the highway, so I could snap a few photos. We both got out the car and stood leaning on the railing.

I uploaded that to my story and Lando I got back in the car

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I uploaded that to my story and Lando I got back in the car. I really was living other peoples dream. I was doing my dream job. Travelling countries I'd only ever dreamed of visiting, met people I never expected. Met the love of my life.

All these things that other people wished for, I had, all except one. Family. But then, I had my F1 family, and that, for me, was enough. I truly loved everyone who had an impact on my life, and I really am grateful for every single opportunity and chance I've been given. I'm just glad I haven't wasted it.

Friday for me was boring, I sat in the garage, evaluated some data, signed loads of stuff for the fans, Kelly came as well so she kept me company. Until she whipped out her Portuguese for the fans. She taught me how to say hello and thank you as well. Hello is 'Ola' and thank you is 'Obrigado'. Spanish was my main language so I wasn't brilliant at it.


Sky and I were eating some chicken salad in the hotel room now. It was 7pm here in Brazil, I loved Brazil. It was such a nice country, I'll tell you what else it is though this weekend, my birthday. I'll be 22. Old. Well, not really. I'm not sure if Sky knew when my birthday was. I mean, I don't mean to pry but she hadn't mentioned anything to me about it yet. It was tomorrow. So for the last night of being 21, I ate a chicken salad and watched Criminal Minds with my true crime obsessed girlfriend. Wow.

I don't care if she hasn't got me a presents, she is a present enough. But I don't even know if she actually knows my birthday is tomorrow. Anyways, I showered, changed and joined Sky on the bed. We fell asleep around 9:30, we were still quite jet lagged.

hope you enjoyed this chapter! sorry for not uploading much, i have loads of tests at the mo and revision takes up all my time😩😩

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