It's Been A Year...

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Today I woke up, and I remembered: Hey! Isn't today my holiday?

For once, I didn't sleep through the first half of it. Shocker.

Then three seconds after I woke up I realized: this isn't just my holiday.

It is the one-year anniversary of my holiday.

"MOCHI IT'S BEEN A YEAR! LIKE WHAAAAAAAAAAAA- omg bro look at this bug."

What a dork. You must excuse Bambi, i may or may not have given him coffee this morning. oh dont look at me like that, the other option was a grumpy Bambi all day, and we couldn't have that. Yes yes, I know that is how he always is, but he was already really mad at me.


heh heh


April 26th 2021, a tired Bambi is slouched over the table staring hopelessly at the digital clock. I am sleeping on the couch like a freaking boss. The clock reads a crisp 11:58 pm but poor Bam Bam's brain isn't functioning properly, so he barely registers the fact that it's almost time. His eyes are drooping dangerously low, the bag under his eyes could house a nice family of bats. Everything is still.

The clock blinks.

11:59 pm

That catches his attention quite nicely.

"Mochi it's almost time!" he leans back on his chair to wiggle my foot a bit. Disturbing my peace.

In my delirious state, I respond, "Hm? Time for what?"

He promptly falls back on the leaning chair, which in turn catches, MY attention quite nicely.

"Mochi, did you just ask," oh you could tell he was mad, "did you just ask 'time for what?'"

"Did you just fall out of your chair?"

"You made me stay up while you took a nap, just to ask, TIME FOR WHAT—"

I was sitting up now, reasonably annoyed because what the heck, "First of all, chill out. And second of all, if you didn't want to do it, why did you agree to it in the first place. I could have hired COFFEE to stay up. The 'moji's always a jittery mess, would have watched the clock like a freaking hawk."

Now I don't know if he was blushing or if I was seeing things so imma leave this part up to you, dear reader. But he got a funny look on his face either way. "What- no- that's not- I offered because you- nice but—"

"Bambi my beloved, are you having a stroke?"

He grabbed a stray energy drink and tapped the last few drops into his mouth. "I wish."

I got up and found my sock (why does just one sock come off?) and peeled Bambi from the floor. Fun fact about my friend, past ten his hair looks like the behind of a baby bird. 

"Okay, why did you wake me up again?"


We looked at the clock.

12:00 pm

So we did what any normal peeps would do, we started hopping up and down and screaming. I hugged him he hugged me, it was great.

Why was he grumpy? Well...

So we're mid-embrace, right?



"What are we celebrating again?"

Anyway, he didn't like that.

Now we are here. Bambi's dancing around like a maniac, but I think the caffeine is slowly wearing off because every five minutes he'll stop and give me a death glare. Oh, well. He'll get over it.  

I guess... yeah.  It has been a year, huh? That's strange. The time really did slip away.

What am I supposed to say? Thanks for celebrating ME every month? Or is that too narcissistic? But it is fact... idk Bambi is too hyper to help me edit this, and I think he's starting to hallucinate from the mixture of energy drinks and disbelief. Oops. (also his given name is Joe, I almost forgot about that).

uh anywho yadya yadya yadya thanks for being so supportive and always having fun each month blah blah blah the whole shebang boom boom laser tag. 


I'm gonna go take a nap now, we stayed up way too late last night. "C'mon, Bambi! I brought super fluffy blankets..."

Mochi out!

Stay cool, stay safe, and above all else,

Stay le panda. 

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