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-: fourth year :-


. . .

"At the home were a lot of younger kids." Jane said suddenly, as they crossed the road once more, bags slung over their shoulder and heading back towards the old book store - their appointment was in a store past that. "You were watching me, with Ellie."

"You're good with children." Harry nodded slowly, still somewhat wary of just how much he could say on this subject, just how touchy it was for her. 

"I was the oldest one there, and I've been there for a while. Little kids are far more popular with parents, so they would come and go like nobody's business." Jane had a smile on her face. "And you never really understand just how much you need an older sibling.. so that's what I was for them." 

"Yeah.. I get that - the older sibling thing." Harry nodded, shielding his eyes in the sun and taking note of the shop they were walking by. "Just wait here - I'll just be a second." Jane's eyes were wide as the Potter boy darted into the fish and chip shop that they had bought their lunch from.

Opening the door and hearing yet another bell ring, Harry was greeted by smiling faces. "Good afternoon, what can I get you?" A older girl asked from behind the counter, adjusting the hat that covered her hair. 

"Actually my friend - she came in earlier and bought some cakes?" Harry replied, looking a little nervously around. That was all it took for the workers to spring into action, very well acquainted with the ginger girl that now stood outside of their shop. Five minutes later and he was exiting the shop again after being bombarded by several people telling him just how sweet Jane was. How they had known it was her just by that he had no idea, but it had gotten him another set of cupcakes for barely anything. 

"What on earth have you been doing?" Jane was leaning against a nearby wall and fanning her face, sun pouring down onto her. Harry held up the box, a smile on his face. Behind him, the girl and her mother from the shop were watching with their hands clasped by their hearts. "You got more cupcakes?" She asked, eyes wide as they continued towards the clothing shop that she had managed to get exact directions to whilst Harry was acquiring the sweet food.

"I thought I should replace the one that you gave away... or replace that one and manage to get you five more." The Potter boy shrugged, a sheepful grin appearing on his lips. 

"You're sweet." Jane smiled down a the box, the conversation continuing in such a mannor with Harry's ears burning pink as they made their way towards the shop. 

"I think this is it?" Harry stood back slightly to see the sign that hung from the shop front, eyes flickering over the swirly font. "Madame Vera's, right?" He thought to the shop upon Diagon Alley, before shaking the thought of magic away and looking towards Jane. 

She was peering down at the note that Flora had written her, before nodding and stepping forward, pushing open the door and instantly stopping. It was overflowing with clothes, racks and rails covering every inch of the shop. 

"Do you see anyone?" Jane asked, using Harry's shoulder to push herself upwards to try and see over some of the clothes. "There's so much stuff in here that I can't see anything further than.. oh? I think there's someone moving down this way." 

Moments later and the two were holding hands so not to lose each other in the maze of clothing rails as they tried to find just where Jane had managed to see something. Harry had been reminded so painfully of the maze he was in on June 24th, that had led to the cause of his nightmares for weeks on end. 

He had barely experienced the muggle world outside of Little Whinging and a little of London - the part outside of Diagon Alley that he had walked through to get from the Knight Bus into the Leaky Cauldron was all. This was all so new to him, and whilst somewhat overwhelming, he couldn't help but be reminded of the world he was so comfortable with, a world full of magic. 

Finally, they emerged into what seemed to be an open section, peering around at a counter which was piled with folded clothing, a cash register and a cat purring on the chair behind it. "Hello?" Jane called, before Harry pointed out the golden bell sat nearby and she reached out, pressing down on it twice before retracting her hand.

"Oh I am so sorry!" A loud, heavily-accented voice appeared out of nowhere and Jane subconciously inched towards Harry. A woman appeared out of nowhere, blonde hair curled wildly and pinned up with all sorts of things, outfits slightly reminiscent of some illustrations Harry had seen in one of the Everleigh girl's books - rows of golden buttons, pointed collars and padded shoulders, skirt flowing out into a bluebell shape. Stripes and dark pink patterned the fabric, shoes seeming to tap oddly . 

Upon seeing Harry, her eyes widened and the boy reached for his wand. The woman noticed this and gestured towards the bell. "You rung?" She smiled, and when Harry looked at the bell once again he saw that it had fogged up and a small message written in it. 

'Do not worry. Flora knows I am a witch, she wouldn't send her foster daughter to any harm.'

Harry nodded, clearing his throat. "We did.. I think she has an appointment under the name Florence Adley?" He was feigning innocence, Jane smiling along beside him.

"Um.. yes." The ginger-haired girl presented the note. "She said for me to give you this?" 

Upon taking the note, the woman beamed. "Well, Jane, you have come to just the right place!" And with a whirl of her hands, Jane and Harry were being pulled back into the clothes. 

This was certainly not what they had expected.

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