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-: fifth year :-


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Hearing just how the two men downstairs came into Harry Potter's life had been so incredible interesting for Jane to hear. It was quite obvious, both within her boyfriend's storytelling and the adoring looks she found in their eyes, just how much Remus and Sirius loved him, and how important it was for them to be a part of each other's lives.

However, despite the year filled with moments related to his godfathers, it was suffice to say that the following year would be harrowingly void of their physical presences, although Harry assured her that he kept up with them in letter form, through fireplace conversations and even managing to see him in one of the caves somewhere near to Hogsmeade.

Not unlike his third year at school, Harry informed Jane that once again he found a lot of the attention on him during his fourth year. Of course, it began with the catastrophe that was the Death Eater attacks at the final of the Quidditch World Cup. In hindsight, the attacks and the appearance of the Dark Mark in glittering green against the night sky were just the first of many signs relating to what would occur later in the year.

It was also when his nightmares first began. Seeing an faceless figure killing a man Harry didn't even know existed in the grimy upstairs room of a manor somewhere, the betrayal of Peter Pettigrew shining through when he appeared by Voldemort's side.

After the final and the various reports written by Rita Skeeter and the beginnings of nightmares that would plague his year, Harry was back at Hogwarts with an insane ex-auror for a teacher, who was showing his class the three forbidden, unforgivable curses as though it was like every other lesson. The students of Hogwarts quickly found out about the Triwizard Tournament, and a month into their year marked the arrival of the delegations from both Beauxbatons and Durmstrang - and although Harry had been too caught up in the later goings on to find out much about the school, the shine in Jane's eyes when she heard about the alternative schools and Harry swore he would ask Hermione to tell him more about them so that he could relay it back to Jane another time.

The night after their arrival and Harry was picked out of the Goblet of Fire, alongside Fleur Delacour, Viktor Krum and Cedric Diggory. Recognition flashed in Jane's eyes but she remained quiet as he continued to speak about how he found out about the dragons in the first task and then managed to complete it by beating the dragon and stealing it's golden egg due to a well-practised summoning charm and the prized Firebolt that Sirius had gifted him at the prior Christmas.

But whilst his Christmas of his third year had consisted of bitterness towards Hermione to reporting the broom to McGonagall, the one during his fourth was when the Yule Ball was hosted. That really seemed to get Jane's interest like nothing else, and she sat and listened carefully as Harry chuckled over his poor excuse for dancing and dutifully told her every single detail he could remember, from the Weird Sisters performance, the live fairies that lit up various blooming decorations and the ice sculpture of Hogwarts that they kept flying through.

Although Harry wished that the Yule Ball was the final part of his year worth mentioning, it certainly wasn't and soon after Jane was finding out how Cedric had helped Harry with finding out that the egg opened and spoke to him under water, and it was Dobby the house-elf that had provided him with the gillyweed so that he could breathe underwater and rescue not only ROn but also Fleur's sister, Gabrielle, as well.

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