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-: fifth year :-


. . .

They could hear the murmur of voices through the gap under the bottom of the door; the liberation from the fear that somehow everything would have changed since the last report that spilled out in their tones the moment they hear Arthur Weasley speak, the collective sigh of relief when he hugged them and assured them himself that he was fine. Humour ran through his words, making light of the situation as he had it, informed them that the other patient in the ward had been bitten by a werewolf, and didn't quite like that Arthur had informed him that he knew a werewolf that was a lovely fellow. 

He was just launching into the explanation of what exactly happened to him when Jane decided that she couldn't stay silent any longer. She still felt just as much that she was intruding, and there was an air of awkwardness that came when she realised that Tonks and Mad-Eye were having a very rushed, quiet conversation several feet away where she was stood with several glances over to her to make sure that she wasn't listening.

Of course, that was their business, and she was sure it was something to do with the Order and the where Mr Weasley was sat when Harry watched the snake attack him, but she didn't really feel as though she could just stand there making it hard for them when she could easily do something else.

She pushed herself up off of the wall she had been leaning on. "I'm going to get get some coffee or tea or something." Moody's electric blue fake eye swivelled round to face her before the rest of him. "Er - the board in reception said there was a tearoom on the fifth floor." 

"Could you see if there's Otter's Fizzy Orange Juice? Merlin, I love that stuff." Tonks smiled, the short, bright pink explosion of hair around her head turning more peach then anything as she raved about it. "I used to get it all the time when I was training and-" She caught Moody's eye and stopped talking, but the grin didn't disappear. "He'll have a coffee, one sugar, no milk." 

"No sugar." Moody corrected and Tonks turned to look up at him again. 

"You've been drinking it the same way for years, when did this happen?" She questioned. "Nevermind - bring him what he wants and an extra sugar just in case."

"Don't go into any wards." Moody advised and Jane nodded, continuing down the hallway and turning the corner as she followed the various signs that pointed towards the staircases.

Much like any Muggle hospital she had been in, the same design was seen on every wall, and each corridor had the same set of chairs for waiting on with the same type of potted plant beside it. There were paintings - moving and not - of plain landscapes and things like flowers and cattle with the odd portrait of a famed Healer or donor to the hospital - lining the pastel coloured walls. 

She passed several wards for stings, burns and various rashes, moved out of the way for a Healer pushing a man on a gurney who was shouting about Blast-Ended Skrewts. At the end of that floor was a staircase and she made her way up it, then another, and another until she emerged on the fourth floor. 

There, the stairs stopped. After asking a Healer she found that the stairs to the fifth floor were on the other side of the floor and she set off. On this floor everything seemed a little more grey. By  the stairs she had read it was the floor for hexes, poorly-done charms, unliftable jinxes - jinxes that couldn't be cured.  This was the place where people would stay long-term, which seemed a little more depressing, a little less colourful, not quite somewhere that paintings of far-away lands would fix up. 

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