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-: fifth year :-


. . .

It was hard for Harry to get Jane alone after that. It seemed that she had very much entranced every single one of his friends and family just as she had done to him. Ron had her playing Wizard's Chess within the hour, Ginny watching over her shoulder and advising certain moves, all whilst conveying her and Fred's interest and questions in possible piercings.

Sirius was already convinced, and had listened carefully to make a list of things he needed, and would slip the piece of parchment to Mundungus the next time he appeared at Grimmauld Place. And although Remus was very much right about Molly disapproving, the owner of the house didn't falter to add second and third amounts of each thing once both Fred and Ginny found out the answers. Minutes after Fred had his requests written down, George had also asked Jane if it would be okay, and so they would get one on different ears.

But once they had spent the afternoon lazing around in the Drawing Room - Sirius and Remus took quite some time telling them both more about Jane's parents when prompted, slipping in more about James and Lily as well - evening had fallen, and Mrs Weasley crept pass the portrait of the far too easily-started Walburga Black to inform them that dinner was ready. 

They settled down to find the table covered in what could only be described as a feast, a number of hot and cold dishes spread out across the table. Plates floated into their hands, Mrs Weasley announcing it was in celebration of Harry not being expelled from Hogwarts joint with the arrival of Jane and Flora (and she added something in a mumble about it being something to celebrate his new relationship). It was something similar to the food served at the garden party, and all though Harry had been dragged into a conversation with Mr Weasley about lawnmowers, his mind remained on the memory of the day for way too long, eyes flickering over to where Jane was sat between Hermione and Ginny, having been introduced to Bill, Charlie and Tonks when they came in for the evening. 

It wasn't long before the meal was eaten and plates began to wash themselves in the sink, kept an eye on by Jane - who still couldn't seem to be able to comprehend that they were doing it by themselves - and the kitchen descending into groups of conversation even further. There didn't seem to be an Order meeting scheduled that night, and Harry came to wonder whether he needed to explain that to her as well.

He would, happily, but it didn't seem like he would get a chance that night; it had reached later at night than they had all realised and Mrs Weasley was quick to herd them upstairs so they could shower or bathe and then get into bed. 

Jane had exchanged goodnights with them all before climbing the rest of the stairs up to her floor, Harry waiting in the hallway until he heard the click of her door closing and heading in himself. After Ron had showered it was his turn, and after he had pulled on his pajamas and gotten beneath the red covers that Sirius had ensured was in their room, Mrs Weasley came bustling in to say her goodnights, everyone else left downstairs also making their ways to bed.

Ron was quick to fall asleep, citing his rude early awakening due to Harry having to go to the Ministry as the reason that he couldn't stay up and talking to him about Jane - not that Harry minded at that moment: when Ron didn't sleep enough he was prone to dark circles and the Weasley looked like he had been punched several times and could hardly keep himself from yawning. Besides, Harry had his own plans and instead said goodnight and didn't bother too much, turning off the lamps and using the light of his wand to distract himself with one of the books she had given him. 

When the house was quite for more than ten minutes at one time, Harry knew he had to act quickly, slipping from his bed and pulling a jumper over his t-shirt, heading out of the door.

Lumos was a relatively easy and lowkey spell, but it was the most that Harry dared to do considering what his hearing had been on earlier that day. So without the guts to cast a silencing charm that would allow him to move secretly through the house, he had to walk extremely carefully, varying between the middle and right side of the steps, taking heed of Sirius's prior warnings.

Eventually he made it up the stairs, reaching the floor on which Jane would be staying. Shining his wand around, he caught that a 'J' had been etched onto one of the door handles, whilst the other held an 'F'. The prior also had a slither of yellow light spilling from the bottom of the door, and really hoping that his mind hadn't been playing tricks on him, Harry placed his hand on the door knob and twisted.

He took a step in, relief filling him when he saw the smiling face of Jane looking back at him. 

"I didn't know the Boy Who Lived has a knack for breaking into bedrooms at night." She raised an eyebrow, head tilted. 

Harry flushed, putting out the light of his wand and leaving it on a small chair nearby. Itching the back of his neck, he grinned. "You heard about that, huh?" He winced slightly.

"Ron mentioned it earlier." Jane placed a bookmark between her pages, placing the book down on her bedside table. "I just can't believe that I - a little Squib who could probably pass as one of your best friend's siblings, by the way, because how are they all ginger and identical - am dating the Boy Who Lived."

"You're so annoying." Harry hazarded a joke, so very glad to see Jane becoming more and more confident and comfortable in herself, after such an hectic day. The Everleigh shifted to the side, pulled the cover off the side of the bed and he sat down in it, getting comfortable beside her.

Seconds later and her head rested on his shoulder, his arms around her back until they came to rest on her stomach. "Yeah." She agreed, stifling a yawn with her hand. "But you love it."

Harry, who had originally planned on coming up here to tell her the rest of the story but after laying down next to her he found himself far more relaxed than he thought he would be, felt his eyes widen behind his glasses, before slipping them off and placing them on the nightstand, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.


sorry for the later
update! hope all those
who celebrate christmas had
a good time and those who don't,
i hope you had a good weekend!

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