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-: fourth year :-


. . .

Seconds later and Harry had been bustled away from Jane, who was very suddenly surrounded in the group of guests - which was mostly compromised of children below the age of ten, who crowded around the girl in wait of hugs.

"And you must be the new friend that Flora mentioned!" The booming voice of the man turned towards Harry and clapped him on the back. "Mr Winter, pleased to meet you. You're a very lucky boy."

"Oh, I know I am." Harry arranged his politest smile on his face as Mr Winter offered his hand. "I'm Harry, Jane's friend." He took the hand and shook it, being turned towards one of the women. 

"Eva Midgens." The woman didn't offer her hand but hugged him, and Harry was reminded of Mrs Weasley as she gently tapped his shoulder whilst pulling away. "And that young lady-" She pointed towards the blonde, twenty-odd year old woman trying to stop Jane from being bombarded, "-is Annie. If you haven't gathered already, we're from the Adley Home, from North Yorkshire." 

"Adley? Like Flora Adley?" Harry was somewhat shocked - he hadn't realised that Jane was adopted by the very woman who the home was named after. 

"Yes - did you not know?" Eva smiled as Jane picked up one of the children and squeezed them into a tight hug. "The Adley family created this home centuries ago in hopes of giving children better lives. They have always remained very involved in the home.. Florence was a little less than the others, having been away on business for many years, but it seems that she's getting more associated now."

"No.. I had no idea." Harry was greeted by Annie as Mr Winter sought out Flora, his voice loud over the chatter of the guests. "Pleased to meet you too." 

His attention was then turned back to Jane, who was still in the midst of hugging one of the many children - a little girl with pigtails who had the biggest smile on her face. They were speaking quietly about something, the girl leaning forward to whisper something in Jane's ear before turning and pointing at Harry.

Jane laughed and the Potter boy felt his cheeks fill with heat, flashing him a pretty little grin before readjusting the girl in her arms and whispering something to her. 

Harry knew it would be nothing bad. In fact, with someone of Jane's reputation and the way he knew her it could never be bad. But the idea of them talking about him made him worry just a little. Which was oddly strange, if he thought deeper into it.

Ever since he began to attend Hogwarts - hell, since Hagrid first picked him up from the house out into sea and took him to Diagon Alley he had been stared and whispered about. From when he got on the Quidditch team to being the rumoured heir of Slytherin and then when he was chosen as a Triwizard champion. He had been gossiped about, rumours and lies had been spread.

But this affected him the most and he found himself moving a little closer to hear their conversation, watching as Jane leant down and let the girl find her feet. 

"And you found my dresses! I remember wearing this one to my old friend Sophie's birthday party." Jane smiled as she adjusted one of the tiny bows that adorned the straps to the dress, which was a faded rose pink and decorated in green embroidery around the hem, which faded up the material.

"Pretty." The little girl smiled, as she picked up the skirts and attempted a curtsey, tilting to the side as she stumbled and Jane catching her easily. 

"Woah there, El." The Everleigh girl shook her head with a laugh, standing her up right and catching Harry's eyes. "Hey, want to say hi to Harry? He's my new friend... what's up?" The look on Ellie's face changed slightly. 

Harry felt his heart drop, watching as the little girl leaned to mumble something Jane's ear. But he shouldn't have doubted anything, Jane was perfect with kids, she knew exactly how to deal with this.

"Replacing you! Oh Ellie, I could never!" Jane smiled, glancing over to Harry and shrugging slightly before turning to Ellie. "Why don't me, you, everyone here and Harry go over to the food table and get some snacks. I think everyone will be hungry, yes? And it's the perfect time for everyone to get to know Harry." 

Several of the kids perked up at the idea of food and Jane stood up, extracting herself from the crowd of children and reaching Harry. "Don't worry, I think this is their version of being protective." She mumbled to him, taking his hand and beginning towards the rest of the garden. 

"No, I get it." Harry smiled, feeling at ease. Their journey stopped momentarily as the girl's spare hand was fought over, eventually coming to the end of it with a little boy clinging onto her side. "They really do love you, huh?"

"I'm their big sister." Jane brushed hair over her ear, tucking it out of her face and letting her fingers brush against the various butterfly shaped hairpieces. "And.. it looks like a certain someone is warming up to you."

She nodded down towards the ground, Harry's gaze following her's. There, staring up at them behind wide eyes and tracking the smile on Jane's face was Ellie, who then looked towards Harry. 

And very firmly took his spare hand, gaze determined. 

The constant smile on Harry's face was beginning to make his cheeks hurt.

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