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-: fourth year :-


. . .

The last time Jane had seen Harry Potter was the night before, watching as he dragged Dudley towards Number 4 Privet Drive, whilst Mrs Figg was leading her towards her own house, where she was given a cup of tea that tasted so strongly of mint it almost made her eyes water and she sat waiting for Flora with a blanket covered in cat hair around her shoulder, with one of the old woman's cats on her lap.

She had walked quietly along after the attack, listening to Harry try to find out why Mrs Figg hadn't told him she was a Squib - whatever that was, and Jane was very interested in knowing because apparently she was one too. How Harry had casted Underage Magic, and some Ministry would already know about, and this Dumbledore fellow had to find out about the attack before they did so he could remedy it.

About this 'Mundungus Fletcher', who she then met. He smelt strongly of cigarettes and was clutching a silvery blanket, and had apparently abandoned his post of watching over Harry and Jane in favour of purchasing a number of stolen cauldrons. Mrs Figg had watched as Harry took his cousin up to the door of his house, before leading her towards her own home. 

Mrs Figg had called Flora, who appeared in the living room with a pop and found her adoptive daughter huddled up in a house smelling distinctly of cabbage. Angela was driving the car up, because apparently Jane wasn't in the right state to 'Apparate' - which she also had no ideea about. 

Then, once Angela did arrive, the three made their way back to the Adley Manor, where Jane quickly excused herself and disappeared into her attic room for the rest of the night, taking a long shower to get off the feeling of gloom and grime off of her body, falling asleep after ignoring the tray of food left in the hallway. She couldn't stomach anything even if she tried.

It was a struggle to sleep that night, her mind filled with images of these.. things that she could only see because she was a 'Squib', and not whatever Dudley was. Because only God knew what was going on with Harry and the rest of the people she had been surrounded with since she left the home. 

She had no idea what was going on, but as the next morning dawned and she lay almost lifelessly in her bed - just as frozen as she had been since those creatures appeared - she decided to get up. 

Jane hadn't been able to get rid of the feeling she had since the attack, so she decided to wear the brightest thing she could manage. She returned to her sunflower-yellow dress, pulling a knitted cardigan around her shoulders to try and get rid of the chill, seperating her hair into two, thick plaits and made her way downstairs.

Flora and Angela were in the kitchen, and as soon as Jane entered they shot up from the corner  of the counter they were crowded around, shoulder-to-shoulder as they looked over sheets of paper.

"Morning." Flora was first to speak, as Angela took a step away so that she could busy herself in making Jane breakfast, which had already been prepared and was keeping warm in the oven. "How are you feeling."

"I'm fine." Jane replied, finding her words oddly sticky and she cleared her throat, slipping down into the stool Flora pulled out for her. "Yeah.. I'm fine. A bit.. confused."

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