Chapter 1

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I exhaled heavily after being in the living room, falling asleep on the couch while watching a movie with them last night. I scour my eyes slowly and glared at the clock, and it is still early in the morning. A few moments, I saw my mom standing in front of the living room and I noticed a red scaft around her neck while she apply the red lipstick on her lips and it matched her maroon uniform. She works as a flight attendant at a leading airline in the city. Of course, she won't be home for a few weeks because her time is always busy in the air. She has been struggling all the year since arriving in this town where she had to raise me and my brother alone since my father leave us when I was eight years old. She is an amazing woman who cares about her surrounding. I also have to work this day where I have a part-time job as a cashier that is not far from our residence. Sometimes, I have to work more on the weekends so I can earn extra pay while my brother is busy with his own life making money by repairing a laptop or updating someone's software. Life is not as easy as I imagined, at an age like this, I also need to grow a lot of my energy so I'm able to do many things in the future as my mother did. She's great and never complains.

"I already prepared the breakfast, make sure you take it, okay?" She whispers to me in a low voice.

"I wake up from the couch and nod." I think my voice disappears for a while, it is all about the horror movie that we watched yesterday. However, I'm not a fan of a horror movie type, screaming and hiding when noticing a ghost, yet I gaze to my left side that my brother, Noah is still sleeping with a loud noise and there's Alex too.

"Take care, sweetie," I need to go now.

"Thanks, mom, you too," then she hugs me tightly and walk away through the door.

I locked the door and watch them sleep. Thinking about them, I feel that I want to sleep again but I can't, so I decided to clean up the living room that was full of plastic snacks, junk food boxes and popcorn that was messed up on the floor. What the hell did they do yesterday. Noah was caught by me that he throw away his rubbish in my tote bag. Luckily I won't insult him at this time because today is his birthday. I don't know what I'm supposed to do during his birthday, maybe make a party? No, no. I don't have enough money to make them.

I walk upstairs and play Sam Smith songs throughout my tiny room and land my lazy body on the bed. Well, I have a lot of things to do today and put some effort into my job. But wait, I have heard some rumours that the private school boys borrow our field to play football and do some practice. I can imagine all the elite boys are good-looking and full of their own style. I walk through my window and eyeing the sunrise catch my sight, that is my favourite view in the morning. Suddenly, I'm surprised when I realize it will be 6 o'clock soon and I have to get prepared...

Harvey POV

He never forget the last glimpse of his grandmother grave when they were leaving the cemetery when he was a kid. Leaves fall every second when the wind is blowing, in every shade of the autumn scope red, orange, yellow and brown cluttered the ground at his feet, crunching down his boots as he stepped in the car and look around a few people who were dressed in a black shirt getting in their own car. The sky was grey and foggy. He pressed his hand against the window car, hoping the rain didn't come soon. Just about the next day, they will be left that place where he grew up with his grandparents and sold it to the new holder, but there's a problem that they faced before moved out from there.

"Sir Harvey! Wake up!" I let out of sigh and heard the maid knocking on my door and yelling my name. Luckily I locked the door for this time, she's gonna pull my blanket if she enters my room. Thanks, God.

"One more minute" I offer her with my faded voice then, I closed my eyes again.

My body and my bed are just like a magnet, it's hard for me to be inseparable from it but I'm trying to wake up at this because It was almost 6.30 o'clock. I cracked one eye open long enough to glare at the alarm on my phone and thump it angrily. With the silence restored once again, I huddle back my pillow covered on my face and stretching away my body widely. I groan to myself to take a short time to wake up because this is my first day of semester 3 and we have been sent by our coaches to undergo football practice this morning at a college near us although our field is on the maintenance and it's my first day entering a history class at a different college. I don't know why I can't feel the happiness of entering the new year, it feels the same as how the last year is to be.

"Harvey, are you still sleeping there?" The maid knock on the door again and asked with a loud voice, even though I was in the bathroom, I still can hear from the outside.

"No. I'm in the bathroom now" I shouted back as I rub my long skinny legs.

"Okay," the voice disappears shortly.

I turn on the shower and the warm water reduced my head pressure because of the drinking I had last night, I may take a short shower this morning cause I wished to hurry up this time yet I quickly wash my hair. I wrap the towel around my wet body, and lazily out of the bathroom.

The buzzes from my phone make me shocked for a while after I am out of the bathroom until I am almost slippery. I picked up my phone that's my friend, Finch called me to wait for him at the same place. I dressed up with a casual sports theme with a black t-shirt and grey pants, matching with a silver chain on my neck. I comb my ash-nut hair perfectly to the left side and look at the mirror and praise myself. I was pretty proud seeing of myself cause I had a tattoo-shaped dragon on my waist that I want since a long time ago. Well, my family didn't know I have a tattoo even my brother, Hans. If they all know, it causes trouble for me. My mom hated a tattoo people so much. But for some reason, she said a tattooed person is a sign of a bad person. I don't know why she hates it, but I guess it is related to her past.

I'm getting to the garage after I had breakfast with them and start my black Tesla car as I watched my watch it's already shown at 7.00 o'clock. I'm glad that my step-father and I agree about I don't need a driver this semester. I just wanted to be free to go anywhere and wish to do a lot of things as I want without a driver. Having a driver also must follow the time. Arrived at Finch, I think his car is still in the workshop and take a long time to fix it. He has been like a member of my family since childhood and even our relationship are so close that we soared into adulthood. I remember when I first met him at a business dinner a long time ago, so there I became friends with him.

"Pardon me for the late arrival," I yell at him and I noticed he made a thumb sign. Does he do a thumb sign? Really? I'm not even looking like a Taxi driver. I look at him, his hair was like a massive blonde curly hair with a square face and brown eyes. Freckles faintly dotted his cheeks, but they were only really visible in the sunshine. He was tall and sturdy, wore black short pants and a light blue shirt, with white striped black Adidas shoe sport, as the bag he wore off to one side.

"Yeah, yeah. Come on in" I let him enter the car and he sits beside me.

"Ready for Economy class today?" ask him, then he pulled the safety belt and tuck in properly.

"Nope, I already dropped that subject for this semester I'm glad that I don't take the Economy subject, it's a killer subject ever."

"Fuck you man" he laughed loudly and don't believe that I'm out of the Economy class.

"So what subject did you replace it at the moment?" He shakes his head.

"Uhmm, I take a history subject but the principal said I must take the history lesson at Nama college, which is near to our school. In addition, he said the lecturer that teaches a history subject for our private school needs to take a long rest for a while because he had a car accident last December. His leg and his arm are broken. So all the boys who take the history subject must be in our neighbour college" I focus my driving without seeing his eyes and smiles. The road is not too crowded today.

"That's good, but we had to separate too for a while."

"Yeah, it takes 2 months or so, only" I replied to him.

"Guess what, you'll find a beautiful girl around the college."

"No one wants me." I laugh harder.

"You should ha..have a girlfriend." He refers.

" Well, I will think about it. I just want to focus on my studies as the heirs of my dad's company one day."

"That's your own business," We laugh and he turns on the music while we listen to the music along the road.

After 45 minutes of driving a car, we entered the nama college grounds and saw a thousand students rushing through the entrance door. Could they be rushing for a seat? Or choose to sit in the back? I ask myself. We walk along through the field and many eyes spy on us including all the girl waving their hand at us.


Well, that's a good start, tell me what do you think about this updated chapter 1. Btw I hope you like it :) Don't forget to vote, comment down below and follow me to know what happens in the next chapter ♡

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