EWEW 8: In My Corner, He Is

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L.W.T.B.B Copyright © 2012-2015 xXMopelXx All Rights Reserved.

Rewritten version of this chapter posted - August 3rd 2015.

I'm three days early but consider this my early birthday present gift to you guys ;) Hope you enjoy it! This is one of my favorite chapters so far and I hope you enjoy it, too! Remember to VOTE and COMMENT! Happy reading. xo


{ Chapter 8 } : In My Corner, He Is

"This is good therapy for all of us."

Layla directed a glare at Gabby, and I ignored them as I took a sip of my captain and coke - a harsh change from my usual plain soda.

Gabby let her hands slaps loudly against her thighs in defeat. "I give up. I'm trying really hard here, but you guys are leaving me nothing to work with."

Against my better judgement and protests, I allowed myself to be dragged to Danny's Grill again. Not that I didn't want to hang out with my friends. I just didn't want to be here specifically. I'd resulted in an alcoholic beverage to make the night bearable. A real shocker, considering the last time I had a drop of alcohol was almost a year ago.

For so long I'd been a lone wolf that now big crowds made me anxious and hard to be around.

"There's nothing to fix," Layla said and shot a curly fry at Gabby. "We were best friends then, and we will always be friends."

Then Layla proceeded to give me an amending smirk that was a little on the guilty side as she brushed her shoulder length hair aside.

The second Gabby heard of the little fallout between Layla and I, she'd taken it upon herself to make everything right. Even though Layla and I were back on good terms, she'd deemed this little outing necessary. As far as I was concerned "Best Friend Therapy" was some bullshit she'd made up on the spot so she could force us to a bar and hunt down all the available meat. No doubt about her intentions whatsoever.

Nothing had changed though. Just like Layla said. We were still the same. Gabby was being crass and Layla was getting peeved. I was brooding. The usual.

"So want to talk about your latest boy toy, Lay?" Gabby sing-songed.

Heat engulfed a better part of Layla's face. "What are you talking about?"

Gabriela surveyed the crowd over the rim of her glass as she took a healthy swig, not meeting Layla's stare. "Joshua Brown."

I bit my lip, deciding not to jump in. If I added more fuel to the fire right now, it would only create a bigger fire. Gabby was an inferno on her own.

"How's fucking him?" she asked casually, still pushing her luck. Poor Layla looked like she was about to puke her guts out all over the table. "And please, don't even think of sparing me the dets. Let me live vivaciously through you. Put an end to my dry spell, Lays. I'm begging you."

"I haven't...slept with him."

Gabby made her eyes mock-wide. "No kidding. Well that's a goddamn shame. I came close to screwing him once, did I ever tell you that?"

This time I almost spat out my drink . Layla blanched and her eyes narrowed a fraction. Then Gabriela laughed good-naturedly and the tension coiled tightly between us unfurled.

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