Hero Basic Training

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Narrator POV

It was the next day was a regular school day. The regular classes start out first in the morning like English, Math science and all other stuff. Then it would lunch time. Everyone in the school eats in the main cafeteria where they got good food cheap. Then at the end of the day it was Hero Basic Training, where they get to test out their Quirks doing Hero Training.

Your POV

It was lunch time and you got your food and sat by yourself at a table. You had a bowl of white rice and some meat added to it. You were quietly eating your food until some of your classmates came over. "Hey! Mind if we sit here?" One asked. You looked up to see Ashido, Krishima, Kaminari, Momo, Jiro, Sero, Iida, Uraraka and the green messy haired kid.

"Why not." You said and they all sat down. "So hey, never got a chance to say this but what you did yesterday at the Quirk assessment test was so awesome." Ashido told you. "It...wasn't much really. It was only 25% of my power." You said. "Only 25. Man you must be a strong one." Krishima said. "Yeah! With a Quirk like that, no wonder you was recommended." Kaminari added. "So Akio, are there certain levels to your power?" Iida asked. "Actually yeah. I have separate modes to my power. The first mode you saw was Inferno. Inferno mode lets me have the ability to be as hot as a volcano at full power. But unlike a volcano I can control how much I release in a short period of time. The second mode is called Atomic mode. I can generate enough heat to turn some of it into a bomb. The more heat I have, the powerful I can be." You explained. "Wow! That's so cool! So have you ever gone Atomic?" Uraraka asked. I have gone Atomic but I've never been able to control it." You said. "Why not? Ashido asked. "Atomic mode is based on complete control but it messes up my body if I use it for too long. That's why I'm just relaying on only Inferno mode." You explained. "Man it must be tuff to be able to control all that power so to not let it come out all at once." Momo said. "I can handle it." You said.

"Hey, uh, Akio?" You looked to see the green haired kid looking at you. "Hm. You're....Deku right? Isn't that what Bakugo called you?" You asked. "Well that's what Kacchan would call me to make fun of me. But uh you can call me Deku if you want to. Uraraka likes the name and I'm use to it by now." Deku said. "Okay, Deku it is then. So what's up?" You asked. "Uh well I just wanted to know, did you really mean what you said yesterday. You told me that I could never be a hero if I couldn't control my power." Deku said and you sighed.

"Kinda yeah. What about it? It's not like I was lying." You said. "N-No! It's fine! You had a point about what you said." Deku told you. "Truth be told I'm not used to being the nice guy. I'm usually the guy who doesn't give a crap. But I was right about what I said. More control over your Quirk means the more your body adjusts to it." You said. "Yeah I understand that. But I was wondering if you could teach me about controlling my Quirk. Yesterday you looked so focused and in control of everything you did. You were so powerful just only at 25% your power. So if you feel up to it, could you teach me?" Deku asked. This took you by surprise not expecting him to ask you to teach him. You didn't know much about his Quirk so you wasn't sure if you could be the right person for the job.

"I don't know if I could. Quirks in many weird ways and all are completely different from each other. It took me awhile before I could even go from Inferno to Atomic mode." You explained. "Oh, okay. I understand." Deku said. You saw how down he looked and groaned. "Look before you start asking for other people's help try to figure it out your own way. Can't just ask someone you just met about teaching you stuff. Gotta do stuff your own way." You said. "Right! You got it." Deku said determined. Then the school bell started to ring. "Time to start hero training." You said.

5 minutes later

You and the others made it to class and saw no one was in the class yet. Once everyone sat down in there seats a booming voice came into the room. "I AM HERE!!!!!!!"

'Aw no.'

"Coming in through the door like a hero!" All Might shouted barging into the class wearing his Silver Age hero costume

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"Coming in through the door like a hero!" All Might shouted barging into the class wearing his Silver Age hero costume. You saw everyone getting excited for All Might as he stood at the front of the class. "Welcome the the most important class at UA High. Think of it as hero-ing 101. Here you will learn the basics of being a pro. And what it means to fight in the name of good! Lets get into it. Today's lesson will pull no punches!" All Might said as you showed everyone today's lesson about 'Battle'.

"But one of the keys of being a hero is...looking good! These were designed for you based on your Quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started." All Might said as suitcases came out of the walls. 'They had better got my costume right.' You thought.

"Now everyone get dressed and then meet me at Training Ground Beta!" All Might said as everyone grabbed their costumes.

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