Learning Ki

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For the past four days Akio has put Midoriya through hardcore training day in and day out. Sometimes by themselves, other times when class takes place. Midoriya was feeling a lot of pain but he could tell he was improving on his skills and battle techniques and Akio could see each day that he was improving.

After school was over, Akio told Midoriya that they will go into another sparing match. They started off as normal by going fast pace right off the bat. Midoriya switched from high kicks to low kicks and side kicks while Akio blocked all his strikes. Midoriya was increasing his strength slowly each time he landed a hit. Akio felt Midoriya's power increase with each kick he did but still wasn't impressed. "Remember Deku, not all battles can be won with only brute force. It takes brains too." He said as he landed a hard kick to his back knocking him into the wall.

Midoriya wiped blood from his mouth and ran forward sparks flying off of him while increasing his speed. Midoriya started to run around Akio while kicking up dust. Akio was confused as his area was now covered with a large dust cloud and all he could see was Midoriya's green sparks around him. Midoriya could see Akio looking around trying to find him and smirked. 'Now's my chance.' Midoriya stopped running and jumped in the air behind Akio planning to land a hot on his head.

Suddenly without turning around Akio stepped to the side and kicked Midoriya hard in the gut making him hit the wall and ground.

Akio walked over to Midoriya and helped him up. "Nice move. You're getting better." Akio said. Midoriya scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, but I wasn't able to get you with that last move. How was your able to determine where I was without looking?" Midoriya asked. Akio looked at him.

"That's because I learned to sense Ki." Akio said. "Ki?" Midoriya asked. "Yes. Ki is an energy that lives in everything and everyone. My dad taught me it when I was 8. There's a way for anyone to focus their mind and body. It can be used to sense an attack that you do not see coming." Akio explained. "Like a Sixth sense in a way." Midoriya said. "Exactly. And since Quirks are an extension to our physical capabilities. For an example; I'm gonna close my eyes. Attack anyway you see fit using One For All." Akio said as he closed his eyes.

Midoriya nodded and powered up Full Cowl. Thinking a straight ahead attack was too obvious he decided to bounce from off the wall and strike Akio with a kick, but all Akio did was bent backwards dodging his kick. Midoriya tried again with a flurry of strikes but Akio dodged and weaved all his attacks with his eyes still closed. Akio then grabbed Midoriya by the back of his color kneeing him in the back and throwing him onto the ground. "Ow."

Akio helped him up. "That was just a taste of how experience I am in sensing Ki. If this was an actual fight. You wouldn't have lasted long with those attacks." Akio said. Midoriya looked down embarrassed but Akio patted his shoulder. "Chin up. This is why we train. I've had years in experience with Ki so of course it's not gonna be easy to take me down. But, it still takes a lot of focus and a cool clear mind to sense it. Think back to all my fights. At the USJ against the Nomu, how I was able to beat Iida and when I fought off Shoto at the Sports Fest. My fight with Stain and how I was able to fight off the League at Kamino. All those fights I was in I was able to win most of them by sensing Ki." Akio explained.

Midoriya looked up at him. "Akio, could you teach me how to sense Ki?" He asked. Akio had a small smirk on his face. "I figured you'd wanna learn it. First close your eyes." Akio said. Midoriya nodded and closed his eyes. "Good. Now breathe. Begin to shift your focus from your thoughts to your breath, and then to your pulse. Feel your body, and start to take note on how your body feels. You may begin to feel a buzzing sensation. If not, that’s OK. Begin to visualize a bubble of white light two inches below your navel As you breathe, begin to visualize the bubble grow. Begin to see the bubble expand and slowly envelop your entire body." Akio explained the first half as Midoriya followed his instructions to the letter. He felt the buzzing sensation inside of him and was able to visualize a bubble of white light inside of him.

"Now, the important part: Take note of any sensations that occur. Did your ears start ringing? Did you feel a “buzzing sensation? Did you see anything either in your mind’s eye or in real life?" Midoriya nodded his head yes to all his questions. "Good. This will not only help you determine what energy feels like, but might also help you better understand your dominant claire. This is important Because not everyone senses energy in the same way. Some people feel it, some people see it, and some people even hear it. So be open to sensing energy through a different channel than you may initially presume." Akio finished his explanation. Midoriya listened to his instructions and made sure to follow them to the letter taking steady breaths and clearing his mind.

Suddenly Midoriya felt Akio punch him in the face hard making him grab his face in pain. "You lost focus for a moment. That was just a regular punch without my Quirk. Try again." Akio said. Midoriya nodded and closed his eyes again before slightly opening one eye. Akio stared at him blankly and punched him again. "No peaking."

Midoriya closed his eyes fully this time and suddenly threw his hands up to shield himself expecting Y/n to hit him. The moment he let his guard down Akio punched him in the gut. "1; Don't ever let your guard down. 2; Don't try to anticipate if I'm gonna hit you or not. Breathe and clear your mind of all distractions let your body and senses tell you." Akio examined. "R-Right. Sorry." Midoriya said and tried again.

Midoriya closed his eyes and took steady breaths and eased his mind getting rid of all distractions. He cleared his mind and only focused on his breathing. After a couple of minutes Akio threw a punch at Midoriya, but Midoriya suddenly blocked it with his arm. Akio smirked and nodded in approval. Midoriya opened his eyes and smiled at Akio. "I-I did it!" Midoriya cheered. "Not bad kid. You can catch on quick. But remember, it takes time to completely master sensing Ki. We'll be working on that for the next few days." Akio said. "Got it." Midoriya said as they went back to it.

Later at the Dorms

"C'mon Yaomomo! You gotta ask him out on a date!" Ashido told Yaoyorozu as she, Hagakure, Asui, Uraraka, and Jiro sat in the common area. Yaoyorozu had a huge blush on her face. "I-isn't it more on the lines where the male ask the female first?" She asked. "True, but given how dense he is, he's not gonna make the first move. You gotta make the first move on him." Jiro stated. "And it's got to be now. You don't want another girl out there going after him." Ashido said. Yaoyorozu had a bunch of images go in her mind seeing another girl try and flirt her way into Akio's heart and her face frowned in jealousy.

Then the door to the dorms opened and Akio along with Midoriya walked inside. The walked into the kitchen and talked about different ways they could train the next day. Yaoyorozu looked to Ashido who grinned and nodded. Yaoyorozu took and deep breath and walked towards Akio.

A-Akio?" Yaoyorozu called out making Akio turn to her. "Everything okay Momo?" He asked. Yaoyorozu had a deep blush on her face. "Can we talked alone for a moment?" She asked. Akio turned to Midoriya. "Go get some rest up. We'll discuss what to do tomorrow." He said. "Okay. See ya Akio." Midoriya said and left.

"So what do you wanna talk about?" Akio asked. Yaoyorozu fiddled with her fingers as her blush grew more. "I-I was wondering if, if you were f-free to go o-out tomorrow? With me?" Yaoyorozu asked shyly while slightly looking away. Akio looked at her for a few seconds before answering.

"Uh, if you want to." He said. Yaoyorozu looked at him in shock. "R-really?" She said with a hint of excitement in her voice. "Yeah. If you want to we can go somewhere together." Akio said. Yaoyorozu made happy little noises as she smiled. "So tomorrow at 6?" She asked. "That's fine with me." Akio said. "G-Great! I'll see you then!" Yaoyorozu said as she ran back to her group.

Ashido and Hagakure was squealing as they hugged Yaoyorozu. "I'm so proud of you Momo!" Hagakure said. "Yeah! You're way easier than Ochaco!" Ashido teased making Ochaco blush. "But what do I do on a date?" Yaoyorozu asked. Ashido placed her hands on her shoulders. "Leave it to me girl! First we gotta find a cute outfit for you to wear." Ashido said as all the girls ran to her room to go through her clothes.

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