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The next day after the USJ incident wasn't gonna be like any other day. News reports still talked about the events that took place. The now called League of Villains attack the UA class and had a goal to kill All Might. Although 72 villains were caught the leader escaped and is still at large.

Your POV (2 days later)

You woke up early and got ready for school. For the past two days since school was out you spent most of your time training. Your body was still bruised after what happened but you wouldn't let that stop you. As you walked out of your room you were immediately met by your mother. "Honey are you sure you're okay to go to school?! If you still feel tired you can stay home if you like." Your mother sounded extra worried than from yesterday when you got home. You remember the scared look on her face yesterday as tears went down her face. You rolled your eyes and groaned. "Mom I'm fine. I told you I wasn't hurt that badly. You know I can handle myself in a fight. Especially against some wannabe villain group." You said. "I know. It's just a mothers duty to worry about their children. I just don't want you so hurt. Remember when you were still in middle school and you always came home covered in bruises. I could never understand how you liked to fight so much." Your mother explained with a small chuckle. "I know. I'll be fine promise." You said.

As you walked and was heading for the door you felt four arms wrapped around your waist. You looked to see both your mother and Emiko hugging you tight. "Take care Akio." Emiko said. "We love you." Your mother added. You silently groaned at them as you rolled your eyes. "Tsk. C'mon, that's too tight. No need to get all mushy with me." You said gently pulling away as you walked out the door.

As you walked towards the bus stop you stopped for a moment and sighed. "You guys need to work on your stealth." You said as you turned around. You saw two detectives walked out from a small alleyway and face you. "How did you know we was hear?" One asked. "I'm not dumb. I have eyes. But mostly I can detect your body heat with my Quirk. And if I can detect you two, then my mom and sister will as well. Either try harder or find someone else to do this job." You said and walked away.


You arrived at school and in class along with everyone else. You sat in the back as you listened to everyone in deep conversation. "You guys! Did you watch the news last night? It was so cool that we got a few seconds of screen time!" Hagakure said. "We're totally big deals. Those news channels love us. We're basically celebrities." Kaminari said. "Get over yourself. The hero course that pumps out pros was attacked, and that's what they care about." Jiro stated. "Man, don't know what could've happened to us if the teachers hadn't shown up." Sero said. "Why'd you say that?! I'm gonna pee myself just thinking about it!" Mineta shouted. "Oh shut up! Grow a pair loser!" Bakugo shouted.

"Did you guys see All Might fighting that bird guy? That dude was super strong and he still destroyed him!" Sato stated. "Yes. His strength was truly a thing to wonder." Tokoyami said. "Yeah but the real MVP of the entire incident was Akio. He totally took that thing on full force and protected all of us. In my opinion, if he wasn't there we'd all be goners before All Might ever showed up." Ashido said and everyone turned to you. "Yeah that's right. We've been talking about how our teachers saved us. But we never talked about the person who also put in the most work in protecting us. It was really brave of you Akio." Jiro added. "Tch. It's like I said before. I didn't feel like hearing anyone's mouth if any of you got killed. It's not like those guys were tuff anyway. If that brain guy couldn't handle me in Inferno then there was no way he'd be able to handle All Might." You said.

"Attention! Homeroom class is about to begin! Everyone stop talking and take your seats!" Iida shouted waving his hands in the air. "Uh, we're all sitting." Kirishima said. "Yeah you're the only one standing." Sero added.

Then the teacher that came into the class was Aizawa all bandaged up. "Mr. Aizawa. You're okay!" Most of the class said. "My well being is irrelevant. What's more important is that your fight isn't over yet." Aizawa said. "Our fight?" You muttered. "The UA Sports Festival is about to start." Aizawa said and you heard everyone start to get excited.

"Wait a sec. Is it really a good idea to hold the sports festival so soon after the villain snuck inside?" Jiro asked. "Apparently the administration thinks this is a good way to show that the threat has been handled and our school is safer than ever. Plus they're beefing up security compared to the past years. This event is a huge opportunity for all students at UA. It's not something we can cancel because of a few villains. Our sport festival is one of the most watched events in the entire world. In the past everyone obsessed over Olympic games. But then Quirks started appearing. Now the Olympics have beem drastically reduced in terms of scale and viewership. For anyone who cares about competition there's only one tournament that matters. The UA Sports Festival. This is where you get scouted by hero agencies and join them as sidekicks after graduating. It's true that joining an agency can garner you greater experience and popularity that's why the festival matters. If you wanna go pro one day this event could open the path for you. One chance a year. Three chances in a lifetime. No aspiring hero can afford to miss this festival. That means you better not slack off on your training." Aizawa explained. You thought what Aizawa said and started to think about the festival. You'd have to make sure you be the one on top. And make sure nothing stands in your way from becoming the best.

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