Chapter 6: Weak

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It was almost close to the end of the day  and I was walking to my locker to get my stuff for my last class. As I was about to close my locker some one approached me. 

"Brianna, right?" The person asked. I closed my locker to be faced with an unfamiliar face. 

"Yeah can I help you?" I looked at him confused.

 "I'm Aiden." He smiled at me. It all came back to be when he said his name. I could feel my heart speed up as my fear came over me.

Every since my mom's death I have been terrified of werewolves. I looked around and I saw Jul- Ms. Blake standing there watching me.

I took a step back holding my stuff to my chest trying to calm down. I put on a fake smile to cover up what I was feeling. "Hi!" 

"Look so I've seen you around school and you seem really nice, and I was wondering if you would like to go out some time?" He took a step closer to me. I took a step back trying to get away from him.

I don't want to say yes cause, well you get it. But I also don't want to say no and make him mad and him rip me limb from limb.

"I uh, I'm really busy and I barely have any time with school and sports." I took another step back. I'm so scared I could pee myself. I don't think I would be as scared if he was a beta, but he's an Alpha. He is also in the Alpha pack which, is not good for me since I want Kali dead.

He looked at me confused. "Are you okay? You look really-" 

"I'm fine I just have to get going." I cut him off quickly and walked away as fast as I could. 


I made my way to Ms. Blake's room to 'make up some work'. I had to wait in there, really doing nothing, until the people who were in there left. I was in there for like 15 minutes.

Once the last person was gone Ms. Blake locked her door and pulled out the box from under her desk. "As far as I know, no werewolves are in my last class so I went and got it before class." 

I nodded and walked up to her desk looking at the box as she opened it.

Her eyes widened. "Wow, you're mom had a lot." She picked up some papers and looked through. "Yes, perfect." She then pulled out one of the jars, opening it and smelling it, earning a confused look from me. 

She then started pouring it in the stone bowl and crushing it up even more, mixing something else with it. I don't even care what she's doing but I can't help but wonder.

"So I noticed something today." She said not looking up at me. I stayed quiet so she could continue. "You have a lot of fear. Hardly brave, no confidence. When you were around Isaac and Aiden you were terrified. If they had been listening to your heart, they would have suspected something was up."

"Well sorry that I'm afraid of murderous werewolves." I said sarcastically.

 "You're a coward, weak." She said harshfully. "I can't have that. I can't drag you're sorry little ass with me where ever I go." She then looked up at me.

"Well what do you want me to do?!" I said raising my voice.

"You can't do anything! You'll always be like that! Unless..." She looked back down thinking. "No i'm not gonna do that." She said quietly.

"What? Is there something you can do?" I put both of my hands on her desk looking at her.

 "Maybe... but it's to dangerous and I'm not going to risk putting you in danger. You're still a kid." I glared at her.

"I want Kali dead and I want to help you and I will die trying if I have to. So if there is something you can do get over my fear and build my confidence up then please, do it." I demanded. She looked up and smiled at me.

" I knew you had it in you. That what you did there was courageous, you are willing to do something even if it gets you killed. Fine I'll do it, but when I explain it to you, your mind might change." I stayed quiet looking at her, indicating that I want her to continue. 

"There is this old ancient spell that... can make a person supernatural," She began.

"L-like a werewolf?" I asked nervously. She looked up at me and nodded. 

"I wouldn't make you a werewolf though. I'd make you stronger; stronger than an Alpha," she explained.

"What's stronger than an Alpha?"

 "It's called a Lamia. It's Latin. I'm sure your mother has information. How bout I let you do your research and think about it." The name did seem familiar. I'm sure I came around it when I was looking through my mothers stuff the other night.

"So what if I do let you do this, what would happen?" I asked, biting my lip in a nervous habit.

"Well it would make you strong, very strong, your senses will be like a werewolf, very heightened, you can hear and smell from long distances, you'll even be faster than a wolf. You can also control your emotions," She explained.

"Control my emotions? What does that mean?" I asked her with a confused look.. 

"It's like a mental switch in your head. You can turn off your humanity. You won't have a care in the world. You can't let emotions get in the way, you'll be fearless, confident, and strong." She looked me right in the eyes. "You could even kill Kali yourself, and every other werewolf in this town if you'd like."

My eyes widened. She smirked at me, saying, "I can hear your heart beat get faster." She walked around from her desk walking towards me. "How would it feel to rip Kali's heart right out of her chest, the woman who killed your mother, right in front of you too. If I were you I'd do it. You could be so powerful. The werewolves would be the one's afraid of you."

"Think about it." She said and handed me something. "Can you put this in Finstocks whistle before the meet tomorrow? Right before you get on the bus actually. " I looked down at the little glass jar with Wolfsbane in it. 

"Just use enough to fill it, but not where he can see it." I looked down at the jar. Why did I get involved in this? I mean, I'm only a 16 year olf girl. I can't really do much.  Well what If I take- no I don't want to be supernatural. The werewolves will be the ones afraid of you. Maybe I do want to be...

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