Chapter 8

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By 7,both Ryan and I were ready and the doorbell rang.

"Wow.They're punctual." Ryan said.

Well,good luck Eve.Stay strong.

I opened the door.

"Good evening Chris and Amelia.Come in." I said.

Well,here we go.
Chapter 8:

"Hey! It's so good to see you again!" Amelia said as she hugged me and walked in with Chris who just smiled at me.



Ryan shook hands with Chris and Amelia and I led them towards the lounge area.

"Wow.I love your apartment! It's so spacious and lovely! And you've got such a stunning view!" Amelia said as she walked around.

She seemed so nice it was kinda hard to not like her even though all I wanted to do was hate on her.

I smiled. "Thanks."

I poured the wine into glasses and offered it to the guests.

"I love your dress and the color is beautiful! It's Chris's favorite color! Where'd you get it from."

I stared at Chris. "I know.It was a gift from Ryan." I slipped my arm through his and pulled him closer.

"Wow.It's a lovely choice Ryan."

"Yes.You have good taste." Chris said.

Somehow,I felt that that statement wasn't just for the dress.

"Thanks guys." Ryan grinned.

"I really want to look around,you know,interior decorator things.if you dont mind." Amelia said.

"Sure.I'll show you around"Ryan said as he stood up and Amelia followed him upstairs.

The silence between Chris and I was so thick and I found myself biting my lip and controling my tears.

"Nice place."


"Ryan seems like a great guy." I looked up at him in disbelief.

"You didn't even tell me you were married.I-I thought you'd wait." I blurted it out and immediately regreted.

Chris looked stunned.

"Evelyn.Its been 8 years.You met somebody and I did too.I know we had something but we've both moved on."

"How can you just say that?You know we had so much more than that.You promised me you'd never forget me.I-I don't understand."

"You know,I never did forget you.I didn't date for years.But then I met somebody who made me happy."

I didn't say anything.I was speechless.

"You're right.I'm sorry.I'm just shocked.I shouldn't have said all that.She seems like a lovely lady.I'm happy for you both." I smiled.

"It's alright."

"I-I'll set the dinner table." I stood up and adjusted my dress,walking towards the kitchen to set the plates and food.

I started crying.The tears just started flowing uncontrollably. I couldn't even believe what had just happened.How could I be so dumb and reckless?

Chris walked in and helped me set the table.

"Hey.I'm sorry.I mean,that wasn't right of me."

"No,you're right.I mean,come on,we've both moved on its only logical." I said.

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