Chapter 2

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Author's note

I really need actors now for the characters.. I'm thinking of Irina Shayk as Evelyn.. But what about Christopher?Any suggestions :)


Chapter 2

Present day

I woke up as the light shone through the curtains and I shielded my eyes from the light. I whined as I realized it was a Monday and that meant work.

I struggled to get out of the covers but Ryan had his arm wrapped around me,pulling me closer like quick sand.

I giggled and pushed his arm away as I got out of bed and walked towards the washroom.

"Baby,get up." I said.

Ryan let out few groans and went back to slumber.

I sighed and brushed my teeth and had a shower. Wrapped up in towel with my hair wet I stepped out while Ryan got dressed,looking fresh as well.

He smirked when I got out and I smiled at him mischievously.

"Hmm whats for breakfast babe" Ryan murmured as he stepped closer to me,wrapping his arms around me.

I grabbed his tie from around his neck and wrapped it around me.

"Hmmm some silk..and sex" I giggled.

"I think thats perfect."

Ryan kissed me softly,igniting the fire within me. He was no match for what Chris did to me,but he was good enough.

I could feel myself getting impatient,and I knew I wanted him desperately.

He gently lay me on the bed and we both undressed,giving ourselves the heartiest breakfast ever.


"That was amazing." Ryan said.

I grinned as I wore my heels and applied my make-up.

Ryan made us both coffee and cereal and I had my breakfast after the activities of the morning. I was starved.

Ryan and I had met in college,soon after Chris and I broke up.We didn't really break-up,but time and distance took a toll on our relationship and before we knew it,it was over.

We had stopped talking and from talking ever hour it reduced to occasional heys and hellos and that's it.

I still missed him but I knew that it was childish to feel like this.I was 26 now,and it was time to grow up.

Initially,Ryan was just a good friend,of course,he had demanded more but I rejected his advances because I was still in love with Chris.

But I needed somebody.My body craved the feeling of being loved and pleasure,and I needed a partner.Ryan was more than happy to know I was ready.

We'd been together for 4 years now,and life seemed good. I had a job in the PR department of a successful company and Ryan worked for a law firm.

Life was almost perfect.We shared an apartment together.

But a part of me still desired the love and attention Chris gave to me.He knew how to please me in all the best ways.

But I had no idea where he was,life had much us both so busy,we completely forgot each other.

"Babe,you know Will?the guy who I tell you was my best buddy back in high school?" Ryan asked me while wearing his shoes.

I nodded.

"Well,hes coming to LA and we're meeting up soon.I was thinking maybe you'd like to come along?"

I nodded reluctantly and walked inside the bedroom to get my purse and I was ready for work.

"Sure,just let me know when you guys are planning to meet up okay?" I said.

Ryan grinned. "Sure babe"

Ryan and I kissed and then I went to work.


The entire day I kept thinking about Chris.How much I missed his beautiful soft lips,his soft yet strong hands,his beautifully sculptured back and abs and those eyes..They mesmerized me so much.His hair that I'd hold on to every time he made me moan and call out his name,the way his hands touched my body and made me shiver with delight.

I couldn't concentrate the entire day.I felt so empty and lost.

At lunch time, a couple of girls came to meet me, inviting me to have lunch at our favorite place. But I decided to skip lunch because I didn't feel very hungry.

I wasn't hungry for food...I was hungry for Christopher Barnes.

There was this deep uneasy feeling within me that I just couldn't describe. I tried to distract myself with work, but I kept remembering all our sweet memories together.. How people were jealous of our love and the sexual tension between us was so evident. We were full of passion. Never ending. Always having fun.

Why was I feeling like this? It had been 8 years since I had last seen him. We were both 18 then,raging with hormones.

We were both older now,wiser and much more matured.How could I possibly feel like this? Besides, maybe he was with somebody...or worse,married.

But there was a part of me that kept thinking about at least reconnecting with him. What was the harm in getting in touch with him again? Exes talk all the time.and we hadn't broken up on a bad note,we simply drifted apart.

I sighed.Perhaps that was the right thing to do. Catching up with him.

I quickly logged on to Facebook and searched for his name.

Luckily,I found him. He was even more beautiful.He looked so much more grown up.He looked hot before,but now he looked handsome,elegant and like a real man. I kept staring at his photo.

I scrolled to see his details.No relationship status shown.Hmm..

He was currently working in New York for a big corporate company.

My heart was beating fast and I didn't know if sending him a request was the right thing to do.

But hey,what was so wrong in sending a small request?

I mean,it wasn't like I was desperate to get him back,I simply wanted to contact him.And by the looks of his profile,he wasn't even all that active.Maybe he wouldn't even accept it because he hadn't logged on. I mean,I had nothing to lose anyways.

I gathered all my courage,took a deep breath,and hit the "Send a friend request" button.


Will update soon! Please tell me what you think :)

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