30 years later (peppa)

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it has been 40 years since shreppa (any logical person would calculate this but theres a lot of dumb idiots here so. cause yk the 10 years plus the 30 equals to 40.)

"peppa pig, you may go lol."

peppa was thrilled when she heard the news. she jumped out and left maximum security prison which was located in ur mums butthole.

she went to some sketchy restaurant or some fast food place when she realised the person serving her was tony lopez

"ayo babygurl u a minor?? i luv little girls yum scrumptious deli deli cious LOLLLLL."


"ok. what can i get ya??" then he renegaded.

"george pigs leftovers," then she paused, and said, "a smoothie version tho lol."

"ok babyguurrll," then left cause he annoys me in general.

whilst drinking the yummy smoothie, peppa felt extremely lonely. she recalled the good old days when she and shrek would hunt mummy pig down then eat her cause y not (carnivores for life🙄🙄). she also remembered that time when she and shrek went on romantic dates, especially when they jumped into the famous mud of shrek's.  40 years of sadness, loneliness, single for 40 years. only losers are single for 40 years. well if we were to include nicki minaj that wouldve been 30.

but her heart belonged to shrek. they were soulmates, after all.

"hurry up and drink me u dumb lonely piece of shitj. whag u gonna do??? cry abt it??? ahahhaah."

"shut up smoothie version of george istg shut up before i make you even dead smh."

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