Sleeping Beauty~Ch.4

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I woke up to the sound of my phone playing Secrets by One Republic. I rubbed my eyes and checked my caller ID: that read Sara's name on it. I flipped it opening answering my cell phone,

"Hey," I said while yawning,

"Sorry, but its Saturday and It's SHOPPING!" She screamed through the other line which made me jump bolt up right and rub my ears.

"Calm down, Sara. I was just getting up."

"Oh my B." I hated how she always tried to act black at times, I rolled myself out of bed going straight to my bathroom to freshen up still on the other line half listing to what Sara had to say in tell it went laterally silent.

"Hello? Rachel you there?" Sara said while answering through my cell,

"Sorry, I was brushing my teeth. What did you say?"

"Mmmmhmmm? Anyway? Is this for the Ball?" she said making me drop my tooth brush and look at myself, What was I supposed to say? Of course...and I can't wait to see you with John holding hands while making out in the back corner. Okay maybe I was mad...but a little. I wasn't obsessed, that I would fight and gossip about that kind of situation. I've dealt with it so many times, but through those times I had Sara to pull with me. Now its just me, because she disowned me. I cleared my throat ready to say anything instead of acting like an idiot by saying nothing.

"Am thinking about it?"

"Tyson is going to be there. For sure. I know you like him" My stomach flipped three times an a way I can't describe you. I literally felt my face flush.

"N---o--" I strutted.

"Okay?" She said trying to act like she didn't know. I told her that I was going to pick her up an a few seconds so we can go shopping. I cleaned up my face and put on some light makeup. I got some shorts shorts because it was in the time of summer so it was hot. I got a red tank top because everyone says I look good in red, because it pops out my Golden eyes. Weird, but I had my father's eyes. Its unique, and that's what I love about myself. Something I don't have of my mother's. I attached some lip gloss. And grabbed my purse when I was done. I wrote a quick letter to my Grandparents on were I was going. I closed the door and made my way toward my car starting it and heading to Sara's house.


I drove near a clean road way and parked myself into a two story house with a clean nice neat lawn. I waited inside the car beeping the horn a couple of times in tell I saw Sara's brown straight hair come out of her house. She smiled broadly at me,

"Hey, sorry. The folks were asleep." She closed the door buckling her seat belt.

"It's okay, did you tell them you were going?" I said while reversing and heading to the Mall, which wasn't that far. Like I said this town was pretty small.

"Yes, I told them yesterday, but when I woke up they were still asleep. You know them." She smiled and flipped the side mirror in front of her and looked at herself while I drove trying to find a good parking space. There were so many pedestrians with shopping bag's in there hand. I luckily found a parking space just two spaces away from the mall "Deb," Sara unbuckled her seat belt, and jumped out of the car while a smile plastered on her face.

"This is going to be fun!" She grabbed a hold of my hand while I was done locking my car door's, dragging me while a few stares were crossed. I attempted to ignore them, but it was hard. Finally we were near the dresses section. There were stacks and stacks of rows of dresses. I literally had my mouth hanging open. This store was huge. Sara jumped with joy and ran to the first stack of dresses holding out the most beautifulest dress I've ever seen that would fit her so well.

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