Sleeping Beauty~ Ch.16

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Chapter Sixteen:

Ten perfectly small toes. Five finger on both of her small hands. She had blond hair sticking out. Her eye's were closed as I carried her in my arms. Alexandra Ann Isles. That was her name and I liked how it sounded as I repeated her name over and over. My mother layed fast asleep on her bed; my father on the other hand left for an important meeting with the Duke and Duchess. Rachel was right beside me stroking Alex's cheek. She was so close to me I could smell her honey scotch perfume.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Rachel said, I got out of my trance and looked at her,

"Yeah, she is. Can't believe I'm carrying her for the first time."

"You know this is the first time I've seen you calm and not all mean." I laughed quietly not to wake her up,

"Yeah, it's a surprise from the both of us." We heard a knock come from the front entrance of the door. Osborn stood there with his arms crossed while smiling. 

"I see there's a new member in the royal family now?" he walked over to the couch which he sat next to me. Rachel had figured out that Osborn and Elizabeth were back together. Well, I told her. Either way I didn't tell her about the way they were teasing with her. Osborn took out his arms and I let him carry Alex.  I took Rachel's hand and lead her outside.

"What's wrong?" she looks at me with full concern reaching her eye's.

"Nothing, I just wanted to tell you about------- but I never got to finish my sentence because we heard a loud boom come from the hall way.

"Rachel! Have you seen this palace? It's freakin awesome!" A young man came storming up to Rachel, he wrapped his arms around her. His eye's were full of wonderment and curiosity. He was tall and bulky with dirty blond hair.

"Sorry, I'm Tyson Bates."

"Samuel Isles." We shook hands, "Um, how did you guys meet?" I said, my voice breaking on edge.

"Well, we kind of all ready knew each other." Tyson said while pulling Rachel closer to him. Trying to kiss her. Rachel giggling while she pulled him aside.

"Stop it Tyson..... Samuel?"

I got out of there. I didn't want to see them flirt anymore. If she didn't like me then she could have told me. I stormed out of there. Knowing that Alexandria would be fine with her Cousin Osborn. I just need some time to think. Walking out the door smelling the hot summer air and I knew ex-actually where to go. And that was the place I always went when I was frustrated and mad.


Rachel PROV:

"Tyson! Was that really necassary?" I pulled away from his embrace,crossing my arms together.

"What?" Guys, how stupid they can be,

"You didn't have to that especially to Samuel."

"What does he like you or something?" Tyson crossed his arms together immatinting me while frowning,

"No, he's just like an older brother to me." I felt my stomach go queasy,

"Good, I don't want him flirting with my girlfriend." he pulled me closer to him as he put his arm around me shoulder.

"First of all, I never said we were officially together. You know that I broke up with John a few weeks ago and you think I can just carry on." pulling his arm off my shoulders.

"Well, do you want to know what happened when you were gone in this freaky adventure. John got Sara pregnant."

"Sara is PREGNANT!" I wasn't mad, but I felt happy for them. Even though it is with my ex-boyfriend. Maybe, just maybe I could come see them and I would host them a baby shower and buy them some baby clothes. I could tell that Tyson was getting annoyed because he slapped his face in annoyance,

"Yes, so you can forget about them."

"I can't, even though they did break my heart. I still love them. Gosh, I hate them, but I love them." Tyson raised his eyebrow,

"Your confusing me?" I laughed out loud,

"Why don't you go explore. I've got to go find someone." I smiled sweetly at him as I kissed him on the cheek.

"Okay, If you put it that way." he smiled and went off to the other direction, while I went out to look for Samuel. He couldn't have gone far.


Samuel PROV:

I was drunk, completely whacked off as I ran my hands all over her body. Giving light kisses here in there. She escaped a moan, closing her eye's as she wrapped her legs around my hips. The wave of alcohol came back feeling like heading to the bathroom and throwing up. I pulled away from her and ran straight to the bathroom. Vomiting on the sink. God, I was acting crazy. Yeah, I know getting Drunk was always the solution for me when I get mad. Stupid, but true. I saw the girl lying on her bed past out. I quietly got my shoes and left. When I exited the bar I found myself getting a huge headache. Then I saw her, Rachel. She was wearing a flowery dress with a white hat that had ribbons attached. She was frowning, but she noticed me watching she smiled. She ran up to me.

"SAMUEL!" She wrapped her arms around me, "I was looking everywhere for you. Don't you that you scared the crap out of me. I looked everywhere!" after that I tuned off looking at her lips, "Are you drunk?" As she slapped my cheeks together puffing them out like a blow fish,

"W-W-What? Me n-n-no." I stuttered.

"Yes you are. Are you okay?" I felt myself boil inside, I was tired of her telling me if I was okay. She acted like we were friends.

"Why do you do this to me?" I yelled at her,

"What do you mean?" She steeped back,

"Do you like turning guys on?"

"Huh? I don't know what you saying?"

"UGH! You drive me crazy Rachel!" I was pacing now,

"Wait?....." her eye's got big, "No. No. No.No."

"Okay I get it. You don't like me."

"No, Samuel that's not it." She tried smoothing my arm, but I slapped it away. She looked hurt, but so did I.

"You have your man, So do me a favor and leave. Don't come back here. I don't want to see you anymore." I could see her eye's ready to run with tears. I wanted to hug her, but I knew it was the right choice. Right?

"IF THAT"S WHAT YOU WANT! FINE!" She stormed out and left. Knowing that was the last time I saw her.


Aurthur Note:

Hoped you guys liked:) Next chapter will make you guys jump, hopefully:)

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