Sleeping Beauty~Ch.13

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Stepping out of my room entering the hallway; glancing around hearing a loud racket come from the left wing of the castle. Seeing Osborn and Elizabeth arguing about something. Elizabeth's tone was calm, but her features told a whole different story. Her face was red, clearly angry she also looked completely frustrated. Osborn on the other hand kept running his fingers threw his hair. His face clearly annoyed at Elizabeth.

"I'm warning you Osborn! If you hang out with that maid, then you'll be sorry!" Elizabeth yelled as she clenched her fists,

"You are not in charge here Elizabeth, it is my business as in who I hang with. It's none of your concern no more. So leave me alone!" said Osborn; Looking away, not wanting to hear anymore of there stupid non-since as I quietly walked down the hall seeing Samuel come out of his room. 

"I can't take it anymore!" Samuel said as I walked over too him,

"Can't take what?" I ask, but I clearly knew what he was talking about,

"Them--pointing his finger at the scene I just witnessed a while ago-- there driving me insane with them bickering all the time. Can't they just drop it."

"Obliviously you don't get that Elizabeth is having a trouble time dealing with all this."

"Yeah obviously." Samuel said as he crossed his arms together acting all ignorant,
As we enter the grand hall, we see tons of people filling into the living room center. Samuel took my hand by surprise as he say's, "Stay close by me, it's going to get a little pushy." I wanted to ask as in why, but he pulled me threw the crowed people as we made a stop as two overlarge man and women come towering toward us with a smile on there faces.

"Ah, Samuel! How a delight to see you again, my boy!" The man gave a great bear hug toward Samuel; Samuel face is puffed out red as he tries to hug the man, but at the same time break free. The women standing next to her husband came toward me, taking one step away she gave a great squeeze hug. I couldn't breath, I wrapped my arms around her giving her a hug as well. She let go, letting me breath as I smiled up toward them. 

"And who is this?A special someone?" The man named Peter spoke,

"No!" Samuel and I said at the same time,

"Well, then are you family members?" he asked, eye's widened by the reaction me and Samuel gave him,

"No, my father let her stay a while."

"Oh, are you a maid?" The women said, UGH! what's up with everyone thinking I'm a maid? I could practically hear Samuel laughing under his breath,

"No. Queen Cynthia is teaching me how to be a proper lady." I responded with a mono-tone voice, 

"Well she needs more of it." she whispered under her husbands ear, "Just look at her hair." Samuel grabbed my hand once more and said, "Well, Peter and Hannah, thank you for this wonderful chat---more like whisper right in front of me.-----but we've got to go."

"Aw, yes my boy, see you soon." Samuel pulled me to go, we walked far away from them landing on a balcony.

"More like far from soon." I said, Samuel eyebrows rising as he laughs.

"Don't let them get to you. Hannah does that because she likes to pick on the new kids."

"New kids? I'm not a kid."

"Clearly, but she doesn't know that." he said

"Well, I'll show her I'm not." I said clenching my fist,

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